The Heavenly Man - Prayer Guide  - Days 26 to 30


These are Days 26 to 30 for "The Heavenly Man - Prayer Guide"

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DAY 26

DAY 27

DAY 28

DAY 29

DAY 30



The Readings



Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 26:   Chapter 15 – A Graveyard Covered with Thorns   (p.166-170)    (Prison Camp - 1)

(first part of chapter)

1. How did Yun's spiritual state decline in that first year & what effect did it have on him? (p.166,167)

2. What did he vow to do at the beginning of the new year and what effect did it have? (p.168)

3. Why did life get easier for him? (p.168,169)

4. How and why had Father Yu been cautious? (p.169)

5. How was Yun and his church able to bless Yu? (p.169,170)

6. How was Shi Zhou Ba changed? (p.170)

7. What was the second miracle? (p.165)



  •  Thank the Lord for His word, the Bible and the strength it brings believers. Thank Him for the way it strengthened Yu.
  •  Ask the Lord to stir a fresh hunger in you for His word and to give you the discipline to read and study it regularly.
  •  Pray for those believers in the world who have little access to His word.

Bible Reading : Psa 119:9-16


Additional Point to Ponder: A few verses a day might become a chapter a day, and a chapter a day might change my life.







Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 27:   Chapter 15 – A Graveyard Covered with Thorns   (p.171-177)    (Prison Camp - 2)

(second part of chapter)

1. How was good news brought in 1985? (p.171)

2. What happened in the toilet block on Christmas day of 1985? (p.172)

3. How was Captain Wong changed? (p.173,174)

4. How was life for Yun in 1986 and 1987 better for Yun in the camp? (p.174)

5. How did that all change in 1988? (p.174,175)

6. What sort of cell was Yun transferred to? (p.176)

7. How was he uplifted? (p.176,177)



  •  Thank the Lord for His salvation that is able to utterly transform lives.
  •  Thank Him again for His word that is able to change us, uplift us and encourage us.
  •  Pray for those believers in the world who are enduring harsh treatment unfairly in prisons.

Bible Reading : Psa 119:17-24


Additional Point to Ponder: God is in the business of transforming lives. How wonderful!







Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 28:  Chapter 15 – A Graveyard Covered with Thorns   (p.177-182)     (Prison Camp - 3)

(third part of chapter)

1. What was Yun able to testify to his interrogators? (p.177)

2. What three accusations did they make? What do you think of the last one? (p.177,178)

3. After his torture, what dream did Yun receive? (p.178,179)

4. How was the first part of it fulfilled? (p.179)

5. How was Yun using his time in the tiny isolation cell? (p.180)

6. What dream did he receive and how was it fulfilled? (p.180,181)

7. How were Xu's plans thwarted? (p.181,182)



  •  Thank the Lord that even when His children are imprisoned for their faith, He is still there providing for them in the midst of it.
  •  Pray again for those believers who are enduring unfair prison sentences, for simply being believers.
  •  Affirm your belief that the Lord can provide for you in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Bible Reading : Acts 16:22 -40


Additional Point to Ponder: Prison walls are no limitation for the Lord.








Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 29:   Chapter 16 – God pours out His Awesome Power   (p.183-189)      (Release)

(first part of chapter)

1. Why was Yun able to go to the interrogation room at peace? (p.183)

2. Who was he questioned about and what happened in there? (p.184)

3. What turnabout occurred a few days later? (p.185)

4. What conditions were imposed on him, but which did he decline and why? (p.186)

5. What did Yun feel about the Lord and his time in prison? (p.187)

6. Who did Yun consider was the person who suffers? (p.188)

7. What difficulty did he face when he returned home? (p.188)

8. What dream did Yun receive and what warning did they consider it brought? (p.189)

9. Yet what started to happen in the Province? (p.189)



  •  Thank the Lord for Yun's example of being resourced by God's presence.
  •  Ask the Lord that you may learn more what it means to know the Lord's presence.
  •  Ask the Lord to help you learn to appreciate brothers and sisters in Christ in your freedom and not take them for granted.

Bible Reading : Heb 13:1-10


Additional Point to Ponder: God's ‘life' is available to me wherever I am







Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 30:   Chapter 16 – God pours out His Awesome Power   (p.190-188)   (Revival)

(second part of chapter)

1. How did the Lord instruct Yun in respect of the authorities and what did he do? (p.190)

2. How did Yun first have contact with Western believers in 1988? (p.190,191)

3. How did Western preachers have difficulty? (p.191)

4. How did the events of 4th June 1989 change the hearts of many Chinese & with what effect? (p.191)

5. How did his own village change? (p.192)

6. What did they see happening in Wenzhou? (p.193)

7. What happened with the four demon possessed men and what did they learn? (p.193,194)

8. How did their activities change in the face of what was happening and what the Lord said? (p.194)

9. How did Yun fulfil a promise to Huang? (p.195)



  •  Thank the Lord that when HE considers the time right He pours out revival.
  •  Ask the Lord to have mercy on your own land and bring revival to it.
  •  Ask Him to come in power in your own life.

Bible Reading : Acts 2:1-5,40,41


Additional Point to Ponder: God does have the power to transform nations.


Go to Day 31



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