The Heavenly Man - Prayer Guide  - Days 21 to 25


These are Days 21 to 25 for "The Heavenly Man - Prayer Guide"

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DAY 21

DAY 22

DAY 23

DAY 24

DAY 25



The Readings



Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 21:   Chapter 12 – God gives me a son and many brothers  (p.132-140)   (Salvation comes)

(whole of chapter)

1. What happened when the prisoners berated Yun on his return to the cell? (p.132,133)

2. What response was there to his words? (p.133,134)

3. What was happening to Deling at this time? (p.135)

4. What was special about Isaac's birth? (p.136)

5. How did Deling and Yun's mother survive? (p.137)

6. What was happening in their church? (p.138)

7.What happened in Sister Zhi's family? (p.138-140)



  •  Thank the Lord for the salvation that came to so many at that time.
  •  Ask the Lord that we may see a turning to Him in our own nations at this time of economic downturn.


Bible Reading : Rom 1:8-17


Additional Point to Ponder: Can God bring others to Himself through me?








Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 22:   Chapter 13 – A Precious Soul from the Lord    (p.141-145)    (Loving the Unlovely)

(first part of chapter)

1. What task did the prison director give Yun? (p.141)

2. How did Yun feel about Huang? (p.142)

3. How did Huang behave initially and how had he been treated? (p.142)

4. How did they now treat him in their cell? (p.143)

5. What happened about Yun's ‘mantou'? (p.144,145)

6. How did Huang respond? (p.145)



  •  Thank the Lord that no one is beyond His love.
  •  Think of those you know who you might consider ‘unlovely' and pray for them, ask for the Lord to draw them to Himself.
  • Ask Him to give you wisdom and grace to know what part you might play in bringing them to Him.


Bible Reading : Luke 19:1-7


Additional Point to Ponder: What is it that has made the ‘unlovely people' I know of, unlovely? What does Jesus think about them?






Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 23:   Chapter 13 – A Precious Soul from the Lord    (p.146-154)     (Huang's Story)

(second part of chapter)

1. Why had Huang gone to prison and how had he been released? (p.146)

2. How were his suicide plans foiled? (p.146,147)

3. How did he behave after he was saved? (p.148)

4. What did they do in their cell? (p.149)

5. How was he baptised and how did he change? (p.150)

6. How did Huang pass his last couple of days? (p.151)

7. How did Yun feel and what did he do while being paraded around town? (p.152,153)

8. What effect did this have on another prisoner? (p.153,154)



  •  Thank the Lord that He works in our lives even before we come to know Him.
  •  Think back on your life and ask the Lord to show you how He had been moving in your life and circumstances that eventually led up to you coming to Him. Thank Him for those things.
  •  Ask the Lord to open your eyes to see how He is moving in the lives of those around you who don't yet know Him. Ask for wisdom to know how to act in being part of His working in their lives.


Bible Reading : Acts 8:26 -35


Additional Point to Ponder: It is often said that there are many links in the chain of events that bring us to the Lord. I wonder how I can be a link in the chain that God is using to draw others to Himself?







Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 24:   Chapter 14 – Future Hope    (p.155-160)   (Courtroom – Part 1)

(first part of chapter)

1. What did the judge ask Yun to confess? (p.156)

2. What ‘evidence' did they bring? (p.156)

3. What effect did that have on Yun? (p.157)

4. What did Yun have the boldness to do? (p.158)

5. What did Yun find at the new pre-trial hearing at the Prefecture People's Court? (p.159)



  •  Thank the Lord that He is working for our good in all circumstances (Rom 8:28 ) and that even in the courtroom He allowed Yun to be encouraged.
  •  Pray for all those who are falsely accused and have to face courtrooms for their faith.
  •  Ask the Lord to give you boldness to speak out for him without fear when challenged over your faith.


Bible Reading : Mt 10:16-31


Additional Point to Ponder: Because the Holy Spirit lives in me, as a Christian, I can rest in the knowledge that He will give me the words I will need when questioned.







Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 25:   Chapter 14 – Future Hope   (p.161-165)    (Courtroom & Provision)

(second part of chapter)

1. What evidence was brought in the new court? (p.160,161)

2. What sentence did Yun expect and what was he given? (p.162)

3. Where was he sent? (p.162)

4. What happened to Deling after Isaac was born? (p.163)

5. What attack did she have to overcome and how did she do it? (p.163,164)

6. What was the first miracle they experienced? (p.164)

7. What was the second miracle? (p.165)



  •  Thank the Lord that He can work even in the minds of those against us as He works for our good in all circumstances (Rom 8:28), and that Yun received a much shorter sentence than he expected.
  •  Thank the Lord for His wonderful provision that is sometimes miraculous, and especially for the way He provided for Deling.
  •  Submit your needs to Him.


Bible Reading : Gen 22:13-18 / Mt 6:25-34


Additional Point to Ponder: I will do all I can to meet my needs for myself and my family, and beyond that I will trust the Lord.


Go to Day 26



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