The Heavenly Man - Prayer Guide  - Days 16 to 20


These are Days 16 to 20 for "The Heavenly Man - Prayer Guide"

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DAY 16

DAY 17

DAY 18

DAY 19

DAY 20



The Readings



Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 16:   Chapter 9 – Through the Valley of Death    (p.94-99)      (Outnumbered in Prison)

(first half of chapter)

1.  What verse continually comforted Yun? (p.94)

2.  What was his state and who confronted him? (p.94,95)

3.  What did they want him to do and what encouragement did they give him to do that? (p.95,96)

4.  How did he put this off first of all? (p.96)

5.  How did Yun decide to cope with his situation? (p.97)

6.  How did he overcome his temptation? (p.97,98)

7.  What did he do with his fellow prisoners and why did he have to stop? (p.98,99)



  •   Thank the Lord for the sustaining power of His word that the Spirit uses. Ask Him to strengthen you in your faith through His word.
  •   Thank the Lord for Yun's example of relying on spiritual resources. Ask the Lord to show you His resources.  


Bible Reading : Psa 1:1-3 / Mt 4:1-4


Additional Point to Ponder: Have I learned to let God's word sustain me in all circumstances?







Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 17:   Chapter 9 – Through the Valley of Death  (p.100-106)   (Fasting)

(second half of chapter)

1.  How did Yun get away without eating or drinking but still have food supplied? (p.100)

2.  How did Yun further delay his ‘confession'? (p.100)

3.  What did the Lord instruct him? (p.100)

4.  On whom did he meditate? (p.100,101)

5.  What happened when he was next taken for interrogation? (p.102)

6.  For how long did he go without food or drink? (p.102)

7.  How did the devil tempt him? (p.103,104)

8.  What temptations were put before Deling? (p.105,106)



  •   Thank the Lord for His supernatural undertaking for His servant. Ask Him to teach you to know His presence more and more.
  •   Thank the Lord for Deling's commitment to Yun. Ask the Lord to make you strong in your love and commitment to those you are committed to (husband, wife, parents, children etc.)  


Bible Reading : Gen 39:6-12 / 1 Cor 10:13


Additional Point to Ponder: Temptations come in many forms, but I am designed to overcome them with God's help.






Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 18: Chapter 10 – The Fiery Trial     (p.107-113)      (Torture)

(first half of chapter)

1. What 3 things did Yun see in his vision in prison of the 40 th day of his fast? (p.108,109)

2. What did he see in his dream later that night? (p.109)

3. How had brother Lee changed? (p.109,110)

4. How did Yun suffer in this interrogation and how was he strengthened? (p.110,111)

5. How did the interrogator change tactics? (p.111,112)

6. How was he tortured in the medical clinic? (p.112)

7. How did Yun see God was using these things? (p.113)



  •   Confess to the Lord what you feel after having read this half chapter. Ask for His grace to pray for the persecuted church today around the world.
  •   Pray for those in leadership in your own nation, that they will come to know the Lord.  


Bible Reading : Heb 11:32-40


Additional Point to Ponder: How easy life is in the West. How easy it is to forget those in other parts of the world who do not have it easy. We must not.







Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 19:   Chapter 10 – The Fiery Trial  (p.114-121)    (Debased, demeaned and degraded!)

(second half of chapter)

1.  Why did they take Yun to the hospital? (p.115)

2.  Why did his fellow prisoners now think differently about him? (p.115)

3.  How did they treat Yun? (p.116)

4.  How did the guards further demean him? (p.116,117)

5.  How did Yun comfort himself? (p.118)

6.  How did God's anger fall on his cell mates? (p.119)

7.  How did the Lord provide for Yun? (p.120)

8.  How did the authorities try to appease their consciences? (p.121)


  •   Imagine you had been able to slip into Yun's cell without anyone else's knowledge, imagine how you

  might have comforted him. Ask the Lord to give you the grace to become a comforter to others.

  •   Pray for those imprisoned around the world for their faith.
  •   Ask the Lord to stir up many more who will speak out for the oppressed


Bible Reading : 2 Cor 1:3-11


Additional Point to Ponder: How easy it is to be self-centred and give little thought to others. How easy it is to think up reasons justifying why I can stay like that!







Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 20:   Chapter 11 – The End of the Fast   (p.122-131)     (Unrecognisable through suffering!)

(whole of chapter)

1. What was Yun's mother doing and what did he see in the vision? (p.122,123)

2. What were friends and family told about Yun? (p.123)

3. What dream did Deling have? (p.123)

4. How did Deling come to visit the prison? (p.123,124)

5. What did Yun see in his next vision on the 75th day of the fast? (p.124,125)

6. Why could Deling not recognise him? (p.126)

7. What was the hunger Yun spoke of? (p.127,128)

8. How did Yun conclude the fast? (p.128)

9. What did his mother instruct him and why? (p.129)

10. What did the family do when they left the prison? (p.131)



  •   Imagine you were part of the family group visiting Yun. Thank the Lord for them.
  •   Ask the Lord for grace, faith and perseverance for all the families of those imprisoned for their faith.
  •   Again ask the Lord to stir up many more who will speak out for the oppressed 


Bible Reading : Philip 4:10-19


Additional Point to Ponder: Would I have the courage to visit those in prison? Is there an opportunity for me to do that?



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