The Heavenly Man - Prayer Guide  - Days 11 to 15


These are Days 11 to 15 for "The Heavenly Man - Prayer Guide"

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DAY 11

DAY 12

DAY 13

DAY 14

DAY 15



The Readings



Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 11:   Chapter 6 – The God of Peter is Your God   (p.64-69)  (Miraculous Escape)

(second half of chapter)

1.  Whose example did Yun follow in the interrogation room? (p.64)

2.  As everyone went out what did the Lord say to him? (p.64)

3.  Then what happened? How did he escape? (p.64,65)

4.  How did he find his way back to the believers? (p.65-67)

5.  What help had been given to him back in Henan while he was away? (p.68,69)



  •   Thank the Lord that He is able to rescue His servants from the most dire circumstances. Ask Him to build your faith to believe and pray.
  •   Thank the Lord for Yun's testimony that clearly shows the Lord being with him even in the midst of persecution. Pray for His grace for you in your everyday life.
  •   Thank the Lord that He inspired His people in Henan to pray. Ask Him to build your faith to pray and see results.


Bible Reading : Acts 12:5-16


Additional Point to Ponder: Am I more in faith for bad things to happen, thant for God's provision and deliverance?







Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 12:   Chapter 7 – God wants all of my heart    (p.70-74)     (End of Self)

(first half of chapter)

1.  What ‘choice' was Yun given by the police? (p.70)

2.  In Hubei how did they live? (p.71)

3.  What gained the attention of the PSB ? (p.71)

4.  What discouragement did they receive after a meeting in a believer's house? (p.71,72)

5.  How did Yun view all these things? (p.72)

6.  In what conditions did he receive a vision and what did it tell him? (p.72,73)

7.  What conclusion did he eventually reach? (p.74)



  •   Thank the Lord that through difficult circumstances He draws us closer to Himself and more like Jesus (Jas 1:2-4)
  •   Thank the Lord that persecution only means that more people are saved by the Lord, yet pray for the

  salvation of the oppressors in China.

  •   Think of those you might consider your enemies and pray for them (Mt 5:44)


Bible Reading : Philip 4:10-19


Additional Point to Ponder: Why, so often, do we care more about what people think of us than what God wants for us?






Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 13:   Chapter 7 – God wants all of my heart  (p.75-77)     (Persecution & Salvation )

(second half of chapter)

1.  In the early 1980's what two things did they experience more of? (p.75)

2.  What happened to them at Yenzhang village? (p.75)

3.  What was going on in a nearby village at the same time? (p.75)

4.  What was the extent of their persecution while under arrest? (p.76)

5.  When the believers heard about the secretary's mother, what did they first do? (p.76)

6.  How did everyone in the area view what had happened? (p.76)

7.  What was the response of the Christians to the secretary and his family and with what outcome? (p.77)



  •   Thank the Lord that He does always work for our good, as believers, in the midst of all things. (Rom 8:28)
  •   Following yesterday, think again of those you might consider enemies and pray for them (Mt 5:44)


Bible Reading : Acts 28:1-10


Additional Point to Ponder: Wow! They showed love and compassion towards their persecutor. We have some stuff to learn!








Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 14:   Chapter 8 – Be still and know that I am God  (p.78-85)   (To the North & Arrest)

(first half of chapter)

1.  What prophecy did they receive to reassure them, before they went north? (p.79)

2.  From the ‘martyrs song' list the number of those who died for their faith. (p.79,80)

3.  What word was Zhen given? (p.81)

4.  What happened to Yun following the three days of meetings? (p.81,82)

5.  What did he hear the Lord saying to him? (p.82)

6.  How did Yun try to warn the believers what was happening? (p.82-84)

7.  What did he do in the prison cell? (p.84,85)



  •  Thank the Lord for the many encouragements He gave His people that He was with them in the midst of barbaric treatment by the Chinese authorities.
  •  Thank the Lord that He trusts His servants to remain true by His grace, in the face of such inhuman treatment.
  •  Pray in tears for this great nation which historically has spoken so much about honour but which, in the last century, has degenerated to such callous, cowardly and dishonourable behaviour.


Bible Reading : Psa 2


Additional Point to Ponder: God may know but that doesn't always mean (though sometimes it does) that He will come down to deliver speedily.







Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 15:   Chapter 8 – Be still and know that I am God   (p.86-93)    (Violent Beatings)

(second half of chapter)

1. What happened with the chief guard with the electric baton? (p.86,87)

2. How did ‘an earthly man' become a ‘heavenly man'? (p.87,88)

3. How were gifts of elderly women stolen? (p.88)

4. How did the prison authorities use some of the prisoners? (p.89)

5. What happened to Yun's steamed bun? (p.89)

6. What happened to Yun next morning? (p.89,90)

7. How did the authorities finally find out who Yun was? (p.91)

8. What happened back at Nanyang county? (p.91-93)



  •   Ask the Lord to help you so that the violence we see on TV or films will not desensitise you to the shear awfulness of the violence of this chapter.
  •   Ask for God's grace to face it without fear and thank Him that He kept His servants through it.
  •   Pray again for China as we did yesterday.  


Bible Reading : 2 Cor 11:24 -27


Additional Point to Ponder: People in highly stressful jobs often shut down on their emotions in order to cope. People with terrifying memories often shutdown on their emotions, usually without realising it. We need God's grace to face our emotions and still be able to cope.



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