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Series Theme:  "Faith Sermons"




















































Title:  19. Expectations - the Bigger Picture



A. Recap 


We have noted that:

•  we all live with expectations

•  for them to be realistic they have to be based on what has gone before.

•  Biblical expectations are built on God's faithfulness

•  When we are born again we enter a life that is supernatural, God empowered, changing and fruitful

•  We are to live in the light of these expectations

•  Our expectations can vary in the face of bad circumstances that are self-generated – Jonah, Satan-generated – Job or others-generated- Habakkuk

•  Our expectations are also a revelation of the state of our heart.



B. Introduction


•  It is good to have high expectations of God – but this is all about holding a balanced picture

•  We have said, when we are born again we enter a life that is supernatural, God empowered, changing and fruitful & we are to live in the light of these expectations

•  We said that the soil of a good heart has high expectations

•  that God will do what He says, if I do what He says
•  that anything can happen as I allow God to lead me

•  That is right and it is based on the word of God

•  But there is a danger!

•  It is that we rely on our expectations of God for stuff to happen.

•  The truth is that we are to rely on God for stuff to happen.

•  Our expectations go up and down – thus we can get into a mentality that says that things will only happen when I'm in a good place.

•  No, grace says things will happen because God decides they will happen



C. Examples of Good Expectations


1. The Centurion Lk 7:2,3

•  the centurion had a high level of expectation

•  he knew that Jesus just had to speak a word and it could happen

•  do we have such a high view of Jesus' authority?


2. The Paralysed Man Lk 5:17,18

•  the four friends were convinced that if they could get to Jesus their friend would be healed

•  they wouldn't let anything stop them getting to Jesus

•  do we allow ourselves to be put off ‘getting to Jesus'?


3. The Canaanite Woman Mt 15:21,22

•  how did this woman's child get possessed?

•  she a Canaanite?

•  she didn't allow her past or nationality to keep her from Jesus

•  can we realise the truth about grace and not be put off by our past etc. 



D. Examples of No Expectations – Jesus just turns up!


1. The Deformed man Mk 3:1,2

•  Jesus just took the initiative

•  traditional religion was clearly helpless


2. The bent over woman Lk 13:10 -

•  again Jesus just took the initiative

•  she had been like this for 18 years - helpless

•  again traditional religion was helpless and just accepted it


3. The Widow of Nain Lk 7:11-

•  here was a situation beyond helpless

•  Jesus arrives and death is reversed


E. Understanding the bigger picture


•  there are times (mostly) when we are called to faith

•  yet that is not the extent of what will happen

•  God often lets us get on with our lives

•  but sometimes He ‘turns up' and does things without warning

•  He is sovereign and all-wise

•  Life is a mixture of

•  our activities (based on our expectations given by Him)

•  and God working out His sovereign will (without our knowledge)

•  If only we could know more clearly what He is doing

•  what He is doing in the wider world
•  who in the neighbourhood He is speaking to and drawing
•  what He is doing in our lives

•  We think it would be easier for us to respond to His will

•  yet we might still only see part of it and get it wrong

•  We think it would give us peace to know what He's doing

•  yet it would still need faith to belief His outcomes will be achieved.

•  No, He calls us to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7)

•  It requires us to

•  trust Him
•  communicate with Him
•  submit to His wisdom as it is revealed.



F. And Finally


•  Yes, we are to have expectations about these lives that are supposed to be supernatural, God empowered, changing and fruitful & we are to live in the light of these expectations

•  But we are also to hang on to the revelation that God has a bigger picture and is working sovereignly in His world and we don't understand a lot of what he is doing.

•  It simply calls us to be alert and trusting and ready to respond to His leading.


A story is told of the Three Stone Masons:


Once upon a time a man out in the countryside came across a quarry where he saw 3 stonemasons at work. Each was busy working at cutting a block of stone. He asked the first man what he was doing. "I am cutting a stone!" He turned to the second man and asked him what he was doing. “I am cutting a block of stone that has to be completely square so that it will fit exactly in a wall." He turned to the third man. He seemed to be the happiest of the three and when asked what he was doing replied:   “I am building a cathedral.”


An alien arrived on earth and came across a bunch of Christians. He asked the first one what he was doing. “I am living as a good person.”

He turned to the second one and asked the same question. “I am living a spiritual life,” came the reply. He turned to the third one and asked the same question. “I am a vessel in God's hand,” came the reply, “and sometimes He tells me what He wants to do and I do it, and thus I am used, and sometimes He just uses, and I am very happy about that as well. All I know is that He's got a plan and sometimes I'm aware of it and sometimes I'm not – but He still has a plan and I'm part of it.”