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Mark's Gospel




BOOK : Mark

Description : 2nd of the three Synoptic (same or similar) Gospels

Author: Mark, thought to be young protégé of Peter who shared the story with him

Date written : Opinions vary, some suggest to 50's or early 60's, others before AD70.

Chapters : 16


Rider: Accuracy of dating, authorship etc.

Depending on which scholar you read, when they wrote, and so on, dates and opinions about authors will vary because the truth is that we do not know these things definitely. Therefore hold the dates lightly although they will probably only vary a few years one way or another. As far as authorship is concerned we have tended to go along with ancient tradition, what the Early Church Fathers (senior leaders in the centuries following Christ) said. For more detail on each of these Gospels, please go to the INTRODUCTION TO THE GOSPELS page.


Brief Synopsis:

•  The baptism & temptation of Jesus and then the three years of ministry leading up to his death and resurrection.
•  Mark's Gospel appears to appeal particularly to the Roman audience.

Outline :


1:1-13 The Beginnings of Jesus' Ministry
1:1-8 His Forerunner
1:9-11 His Baptism
1:12,13 His Temptation
1:14-6:29 Jesus' Ministry in Galilee
1:14-3:12 Early Galilean Ministry
1:14-20 Call of the first disciples
1:21-34 Miracles in Capernaum
1:35-45 A tour of Galilee
2:1-22 Ministry in Capernaum
2:23-3:12 Sabbath controversy
3:13-6:29 Later Galilean Ministry
3:13-19 Selection of the 12 apostles
3:20-35 Teachings in Capernaum
4:1-34Parables of the kingdom
4:35-5:20 Trip across the Sea of Galilee
5:21-43 More Galilean miracles
6:1-6 Unbelief in Jesus' hometown
6:7-13 Six apostolic teams tour Galilee
6:14-29 King Herod's reaction to Jesus' ministry
6:30-9:50 Withdrawals from Galilee
6:30-52To the Eastern Shore of the Sea of Galilee
6:53-7: 23 To the Western Shore of the Sea of Galilee
7:24-30 To Phoenicia
7:31-8:10 To the Region of the Decapolis
8:11-9: 32 To the Vicinity of Caesarea Philippi
9:33-50 Final Ministry in Galilee
Ch.10 Jesus' Ministry in Judea and Perea
10:1-12 Teaching concerning Divorce
10:13-16 Teaching concerning Children
10:17-31 The Rich Young Man
10:32-34 Prediction of Jesus' Death
10:35-45 A Request of Two Brothers
10:46-52 Restoration of Bartimaeus's Sight
Chs. 11-15 The Passion of Jesus
11:1-11 The Triumphal Entry
11:12-19 The Cleansing of the Temple
11:20-12:44 Concluding Controversies with Jewish Leaders
Ch.13 The Olivet Discourse concerning the End of the Age
14:1-11 The Anointing of Jesus
14:12-15:47 The Arrest, Trial and Death of Jesus
Ch.16 The Resurrection of Jesus



Alternative Outlines


Someone has said this Gospel may be divided into two on the basis of Mk 10:45

“the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve,//and to give his life as a ransom for many."

i.e.   Ch.1-10 To Serve
       Ch.11-16 To give his life a ransom for many


An alternative simple division might be:


  1:1-13     The preparation
  1:14-9:50   The Ministry in Galilee
  10:1-52   The Journey to Jerusalem
  11:1-15:47   The Passion Week
  16:1-20   The Consummation



Concluding Comments


We often suggest new readers of the Bible start with Mark's Gospel in that it is the shortest of the four Gospels and has a sense of urgency or immediacy about it.



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