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Series Theme:  Spiritual Warfare

Title:   16. Corporate Aspects:  a) Not Alone




The series on Spiritual Warfare concludes with two aspects of warfare - the recognition that we are not alone in the fight, and that there are others with different gifts to help us in it.

The Christian is rarely called to fight the enemy alone. Satan will often try to isolate us so that we appear to stand alone and are thus weak and vulnerable.


1. The Dangers of being Alone


1.1 Signs of Isolation

Common expressions of having given way to Satan's lies are:

  •  I can manage on my own.

  •  No one understands.

  •  No one cares.

  •  No one else has gone through this.

  •  I've failed, I'm guilty.

  •  I'm too busy.

  •  I'm too tired. 

    From these we can see that Satan seeks to whisper things into our mind that isolate us from others.


1.2 Missing Ingredient in Isolation

  When Satan has managed to isolate us we lack someone to:

  •  Help carry our load.

  •  Say, “I know how you feel”.

  •  Say, “I care”.

  •  Share our experiences.

  •  Pray with us and encourage us.

  •  Advise us.


1.3 Results of isolation

  When we are isolated, therefore, we experience the following:

  •  Sense of loneliness.

  •  Feeling down.

  •  Feelings of guilt or shame.

  •  Wrong thoughts about others.

  •  Desire to give up.

  •  Sense of aimlessness.

  •  Feeling that God is at a distance.

  •  Loss of faith.

1.4 Countering Isolation

The following may be some things we can do to overcome it:

  •  Recognise it and determine to break it.

  •  Get out to meetings.

  •  Share with others.

  •  Find a prayer partner.



2. The Wonder of Fellowship


2.1 The meaning of “Fellowship”

Acts 2:42 “They devoted themselves to… the fellowship”

Gk. “koinonia” = communion or intimate sharing

It is an opening up one to another at the spiritual level, i.e. a meeting of spirit with spirit.

Because we are Christians with the Holy Spirit within us, when we share “heart to heart” we share at the Spirit level and the Holy Spirit communes between us.

It is a far deeper communication than mere talking together.


2.2 Requirements for Fellowship

  For this sort of communion to take place, the following must occur:

a) Willingness to Give

  •  Of self, opening up, being real, going beyond the superficial.

  •  Care, interest, concern.

b) Willingness to Receive

  •  Listen, receive, accept.

2.3 The Problems (or Security?) of Fellowship

a) Hindrances

  •  Fellowship is hindered where there is sin or self-centredness.

b) Disturbances

  •  A person with a disturbed spirit may disturb your spirit (you may not be aware of it at the time but watch for a sense of dis-peace).

When we start to take note of these things, we see that Fellowship, or rather the absence of it, when two Christians come together, can act as a spiritual warning (like a spiritual barometer) that all is not well with the brother or sister.

If we are seeking to carry one another's burdens (see Gal 6:2), this means we will be put on the alert to pray for the other and enquire more fully after their well being.

2.4 The Strength of Fellowship

When we are STANDING TOGETHER or PRAYING TOGETHER there comes a harmony in the flow of fellowship which releases revelation by the gifts of the Spirit and which brings about mutual upbuilding.

The Bible encourages corporate life by instructing us to:

•  love one another, build up one another, warn and encourage one another

•  help and be kind to one another

•  be compassionate and forgiving to one another, pray for one another

•  teach admonish and restore one another

When we “submit to one another” (Eph 5:21) there comes a great strength and mutual feeling of support and security. When we are loved that enables us to love. When we love selflessly we are also blessed.