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Daily Bible Studies

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Series Theme:  Revelation Studies
Page Contents:


Chs. 4 & 5























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Chapter: Rev 4

Passage: Rev 4:1-5

A. Find Out:


1. How was the One on the throne described? v.3a

2. What encircled him? v.3b

3. Who circled the throne? v.4

4. What came from the throne? v.5a

5. What were before the throne? v.5b

6. To what was this revelation a prelude? v.1c

B. Think :

1. John has difficulty in conveying something of the One on the throne.

     What does this tell us?

2. What means are used to describe the occupant of the throne and the

     activities of the throne?

3. What do those surrounding the throne tell us?

C. Comment :

     After the word of God to the seven churches of Asia Minor has been conveyed, John is then told he will now see what is to happen next. Before he is shown ACTIVITY, he is shown the very heart of heaven, the place of God's rule, the throne in heaven. Before history is revealed, the One who rules over all history is glimpsed.

      The throne itself is not described and the being on it is only described by reference to costly stones that are crystal clear, purple and red. Mystery and beauty and awesome holiness are suggested. Around the throne a complete rainbow speaks of the complete faithfulness of God (Genesis 9:11 -17). From the throne lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder create a sense of awe (see also Exodus 19)

      Around the throne twenty four elders rule, human figures God has called to share the counsel of heaven. What grace that God calls man to share with Him (Ephesians 2:6). Before the throne (as against "around" it) is the sevenfold Spirit, the perfect Holy Spirit, the executive arm of God waiting and ready to express His biddings. Mystery, awe and yet unity with mankind are the things that stand out in this picture.

D. Application?

1. God is too awesome to be described by simple words.

2. This Almighty, holy Being shares His rule with us. Worship Him!




Chapter: Rev 4

Passage: Rev 4:6-11


A. Find Out:    


1. What were the four creatures like? v.7

2. What did they each have? v.6b,8a

3. What were they continually doing? v.8b,9

4. What effect did that have on the 24 elders? v.10

5. What did they say the Lord was worthy to receive? v.11a

6. Why? v.11b

B. Think :

1. What do the references to eyes say about the living creatures?

2. What about the Lord do they proclaim?

3. What about the Lord do the 24 elders proclaim?


C. Comment :


      Closest to the throne in heaven appear these four strange creatures. From where John stands they each appear as single creatures. Ezekiel saw them moving and each creature appeared to show all four appearances. (see Ezekiel 1:10) He only saw four wings on each. Isaiah saw 'seraphs' with six wings and they called out in a similar way to hear. Perhaps the strangest thing about them is that they are covered with eyes. This indicates that they see everything that can be seen, and with that knowledge they continue to give glory and honour and thanks to God. They more than any other know that God is worthy of this.


      When they do this, this causes the twenty four elders to fall down (note the creatures didn't fall down) and worship God. These elders, human representatives, lay down their crowns, lay down any claim to rule, before the One who alone is worthy to rule. They acclaim the Lord as the One who made all things and who sustains all things. He is the sole cause of all existence. He alone has claim to rule it. As the creatures see all and proclaim the truth, the elders pick that up and responding to it they fall in worship, as their natural response to Him.

D. Application?

1. God is surrounded with mystery.

2. God alone is the One who can rule (your life).





Chapter: Rev 5

Passage: Rev 5:1-6


A. Find Out:


1. What had the One on the throne in his right hand? v.1

2. What was the problem? v.2,3

3. What was John's reaction? v.4

4. Who did one of the elders say could do it? v.5

5. Who does John then see? v.6a

6. Where was he standing? v.6b

B. Think :

1. What seems strange about the scroll that God is holding?

2. Why do you think John wept?

3. Read John 1:29,35 How many description of Jesus are given in today's


C. Comment :

     John becomes aware that the One on the throne is holding a sealed scroll, and then an angel asks who is worthy to open it. What is strange about this, and which we perhaps take for granted, is that God Himself doesn't want to open it, He wants someone else to open it. Some how there comes the revelation to John that the one who opens the scroll must be very important and there just isn't anyone in heaven apart from God Himself who is worthy to open it.

      Something within John makes him weep at this point. It seems to him that it is very important for it to be opened, for surely that is what God wants to happen. It seems tragic to him that there is no one to open it. But then he's told there IS one who can open it, and that one is described as the Lion of Judah (see Genesis 49:8-10), a ruler from that family, the root (or sprout) of David, who came from David's family. Suddenly John sees a lamb in the centre of the throne, and perhaps he remembers what he himself had recorded and realises that Jesus alone is worthy to undo the scroll, Jesus who stands at the very centre of heaven itself now, he alone can rule over the affairs of men.

D. Application?

1. No where in history is there a man who is "worthy" to rule over other

    men, no one except Jesus!

2. Jesus the Son, the lamb, deserves our worship.





Chapter: Rev 5

Passage: Rev 5:7-14


A. Find Out:


1. What did the Lamb do? v.7

2. What did the creatures & elders do? v.8

3. Why was he was worthy to open the scroll? v.9

4. Then how did the angels acclaim him? v.12

5. About whom were all creation singing? v.13

6. What did they say they should receive? v.13

B. Think :

1. What does the description of the being of the Lamb tell about him?

2. How does heaven respond to him?

3. Why do they respond like this?

C. Comment :

      Note first the description of Jesus: a lamb, a gentle animal offered for sacrifice in the Old Testament times. Standing in the centre of the throne, right next to God in the place of honour. With seven horns? Horns in the Bible are a sign of authority and power. Seven eyes? All seeing and all knowing! Seven? The Biblical number of completion or perfection. He is the perfect Son of God, divinity slain for the sins of the world. Note next the response to Jesus: the creatures who we said see all, know all and therefore proclaim the truth of God, and the elders who lead the human worship, all fall before this One and acclaim him for what he has done. He ransomed us and then he made us a kingdom of priests (those who bring others to God) and who rule in life.


      Next all the angels in heaven join in with a sevenfold acclamation. Seven again indicating Jesus' right to receive blessing in every way possible. Finally all of creation joins in and names God the Father and Jesus the Son together as objects of worship, equally receiving that fourfold blessing. Previously wealth, wisdom & strength were attributed to him as God-man but now they fall away leaving praise, honour, glory and power for the pure Godhead.

D. Application?

1. How do we praise and honour Jesus?

2. Do we give him that which is due to him?



RECAP No.3  "A Glimpse into Heaven"  Revelation 4 & 5




In these 4 studies we have seen:

- the sense of mystery, beauty and awe surrounding the throne

   and its occupant

- the twenty four humans who share the counsel of heaven

- the all-seeing creatures who surround the throne who release

   worship in the elders

- the lamb who is Jesus who is the only one in heaven worthy of

   opening up end time history

- the worship given to God and the lamb



      First comes a revelation of the throne at the heart of heaven and the worship the One on it evokes. He alone is worthy of our praise and worship.

     Then comes the revelation of the lamb who is Jesus, at the centre of the throne. He alone is worthy to oversee history for He is the bridge between God and man and thus is worthy of our praise.



1. God is too mysterious to be described and simply evokes awe-filled 

     worship in all who see Him

2. Heaven is filled with praise and worship

3. Jesus is the One who oversees all that is happening in our world today

4. He deserves our worship, adoration, praise and thanks



  Worship the awesome, holy God, maker of all things. Worship the Son who was slain for our sin and who now rules over all things.


PART 4 :  "The Seven Seals"


      In this next Part we are shown the events that occur as Jesus undoes the scroll of end time history. See His sovereign control over all that takes place and the awfulness of it all.