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Daily Bible Studies

O.T. Contents
Series Theme:   Studies in Joshua 1-11  - "Entering the Land"
Page Contents:

Chs. 6-8
























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Chapter: Josh 6


Passage: Josh 6:1-14     


A. Find out :


1. How many times were they to circle Jericho just once? v.3

2. How many times were they to on the 7th day? v.4

3. Who went ahead of the ark? v.4,7

4. Who followed the ark? v.9

5. How were the people to march first of all? v.10

6. When would Jericho fall? v.5


B. Think :

1. How do you think Israel felt on the 1st day?

2. How do you think they felt by the 7th day?

3. How do you think the inhabitants of Jericho felt?


C. Comment :

     It is difficult to know the answers to the above questions because we are not told. Jericho was a large town with a high, very thick wall surrounding it. It was, of course, their first obstacle in the land. Humanly speaking they might have gone out confidently on the first day and as each day went by the enormity of the task before them could have brought them to a sense of total inadequacy. However experience shows, especially in prayer and spiritual warfare matters, that it works in the exact opposite way. When we start to pray about an "impossible situation" we start out with little confidence. As we progress and "go round it" time and time again in prayer, the sense of God in it becomes stronger and stronger and faith is released to believe it WILL happen.

     For the Israelites, obedience to God's revealed strategy was the key. For us Jesus said "If you love me you will obey what I command" (John 14:15) and "This is my command: love one another" (John 15:17). Our obedience flows out of our love for Jesus. That leads us into many things: persistent praying, caring, loving, opposing wrong. When we start out we have little faith but it increases as we go until we are ready to shout to bring the opposition down.


D. Application?

1. Faith grows as we go.

2. Are we praying, persisting and persevering?




Chapter: Josh 6

Passage: Josh 6:15-27

A. Find out :

1. Why were they to TOTALLY destroy Jericho? v.17a

2. Who alone were to be saved? v.17b

3. What would happen if they were disobedient? v.18

4. What should be saved for the Lord? v.19

5. When did the wall fall? v.20

6. What was Rahab's end? v.25


B. Think :

1. "Devoted to the Lord" (v.17) could be interpreted "Given over to the

    Lord's purposes". How does this apply to Jericho?

2. Why do you think this was to be so?

3. How is faith and obedience seen to be justified at least twice here? 

C. Comment :

     Israel obediently do what they were told to do and the wall of Jericho falls as the Lord moves. Many theories can be put forward how and why the wall fell but at the end of the day it will still be a miracle that it fell as it did, leaving the way open for Israel to destroy it all, as they had been commanded to. Rahab and her family are spared, as promised, and live as part of Israel, to eventually become part of the Messianic line (Matthew 1:5). This is true grace!

     The destruction of Jericho was terrible but we need to remember that the people of the land were wilful idolaters and completely godless. Their presence in the land, worshipping demons, could have been a snare to Israel, enticing them into sin, as well as being a hindrance to the coming of the blessing and goodness of God into the land, through the godly lifestyle of Israel. Second, they could have repented, given up their idolatry or joined Israel. The Lord knew that they were not prepared to do any of these things and in the midst of destruction Rahab stands as a testimony to faith and grace, and as such she condemns the rest of the people who had lived in Jericho.


D. Application?

1. That we are NOT destroyed by God's judgement is a miracle of grace!

2. Do we stand out as people of faith today?





Chapter: Josh 7

Passage: Josh 7:1-12  


A. Find out :

1. Why did the Lord's anger come against Israel? v.1

2. What was the recommendation of the spies? v.3

3. What was the result? v.4,5

4. What was Joshua's response? v.6-9

5. What did God say? v.10,11

6. What did He warn? v.12


B. Think :

1. How many wrong actions can you find here in respect of Israel?

2. Why was Joshua so distraught? (see Joshua 1:5 & 8)

3. How had the Lord expressed His anger?


C. Comment :

     One man disobeyed God in respect of not plundering Jericho, one man took things that should have been destroyed, and the only other person who knew about it was the Lord. This man's foolishness made God angry and so He simply said nothing and stood back. God's anger is often expressed like this (see Romans 1:24,26,28 where God "steps back"). Ai was the next town to be taken and Israel, Joshua included, assumed the Lord would continue to be with them. When the spies came back they were casual: we can do this easily. Joshua himself was casual and didn't bother to ask the Lord about it. He had yet to learn (despite all the years of training) to refer everything to God. Subsequently when they attacked Ai with a small force they were routed. Dismay set in!

     Then and only then did Joshua and the other elders seek the Lord. After a reasonable period of waiting, the Lord spoke and revealed to Joshua the source of the problem. The lesson of this passage is not only about consequences of wrong actions (Galatians 6:7) but more about not taking the Lord for granted!


D. Application?

1. Do we, as Christians, just assume we can be casual with God simply

    because we are saved?

2. Every situation is different, we mustn't assume things, but always

    maintain the relationship!




Chapter: Josh 7

Passage: Josh 7:13-26    

A. Find out :

1. What did the Lord say they should do first? v.13a

2. How should they find the guilty person? v.14

3. What should happen to him? v.15

4. How did it work out? v.11-18

5. What had been taken? v.21

6. What did they do with them? v.25,26


B. Think :

1. Why do you think they dealt so severely with Achan and his family?
2. What do you think would have been the effect in Israel if they had just let him off?

C. Comment :

  We, in modern society today, take sin so lightly that what happened to Achan probably shocks us if we are really honest, but let's consider the situation a little more fully. At the beginning of the book we read how the Lord had promised them complete success if they were totally obedient to all He said. They have just gone through forty years in the wilderness as an entire nation because of their earlier unbelief and disobedience. This incident of Achan's disobedience is the first act of disobedience since they entered the land. As Joshua had been told (5:15) this is holy ground, land chosen by the Lord. There is no room for sin by the chosen people, especially this early on!

  If, at this point, they had just excused Achan then the way would have been wide open for anyone else to disregard God's commands. Not only that, it would have misrepresented the holy character of God. Sin DOES deserve to be punished. It is purely God's grace through Jesus that saves us. If we are repelled by what happened we find ourselves with a wrong attitude that says it is more concerned with a sinning man than with righteousness and the holiness of God. Perhaps we also don't realise the wonder of our own salvation!


D. Application?

1. Thank the Lord that although your sin means you deserve to die, Jesus has already died for you.
2. Sin is wrong, is evil.





Chapter: Josh 8

Passage: Josh 8:1-9

A. Find out :


1. How did the Lord encourage Joshua? v.1

2. What was the similarity to and difference from Jericho ? v.2

3. So who went to Ai? v.3a

4. What did he do with the 30,000? v.3b,4

5. What was the task of the main force? v.5,6

6. What were the 30,000 then to do? v.7,8


B. Think :

1. Why would Joshua need encouraging?

2. How does this strategy use what has happened before?


C. Comment :

     First we observe the Lord's primary instruction - to destroy Ai. It is a heathen stronghold and it is in the way of the chosen people. His instruction comes with the encouragement, "I have delivered them into your hands" i.e. I have decreed that it will be! They are to completely destroy Ai but this time they may take goods and livestock.

      Second, we observe the strategy given for taking Ai. One group is to hide behind the city and wait. The main group are to advance and then pretend to fall back in defeat. When the people of Ai come out and chase them, the first group are then to go in and take the city. This strategy capitalises on what has gone before, the inhabitants of Ai will be confident and will not be surprised if Israel are beaten back. Their confidence will be their downfall.

    What this passage reminds us is:

1) God gives us a unique approach to every difficult situation, and

2) God's wisdom is available if we would but ask for it (James 1:3).

    How often do we assume we can do it this way because we've "always done it that way"? How often do we neglect to seek for God's wisdom?


D. Application?

1. God knows best about every situation (read Luke 5:5-8) and His wisdom

    of how to deal with every situation if available if we will ask.

2. Commit the day into the Lord's hands and ask for His wisdom to know

     how to act in it.





Chapter: Josh 8

Passage: Josh 8:10-19

A. Find out :


1. Who led the army this time? v.10

2. Where did they set up camp? v.11

3. Where had they sent 5000 men? v.12

4. Where did Joshua take his men in the night? v.13

5. Why were all the men of Ai called out? v.15,16

6. How did the ambush know when to move? v.18,19


B. Think :

1. How did Joshua completely commit himself to God's plan?

2. How did the terrain of the land help provoke the king of Ai?

3. What lesson do the men of Ai give us?


C. Comment :

     God has given the strategy to take Ai and now they follow it with complete success. Joshua has sent a detachment out at night for the ambush (v.3). Apparently five thousand of them had been separated to the side (west) of Ai while the main detachment were behind (south) Ai, presumably so that they could still keep visual contact with each other around the city. Joshua sets his main force right in front of the city (north) and then provokes the king of Ai by going down into the valley before Ai. This means that the men of Ai can charge down on them with an even greater sense of confidence. Good thinking Joshua! So the men of Ai come out, Joshua retreats as instructed, the men of Ai all come out after them in over confidence (did you note the lesson?) and the ambush is released and Ai is taken.

     We have here another clear lesson: God gives the strategy that will succeed, if we will seek Him. We then have to implement it and as we do He will give further wisdom over the small details of the plan. Success follows us as we move in faith, courage and boldness to accomplish the plans and purposes of God.


D. Application?

1. Big things or little, God still knows best!

2. Read the following verses: Psalm 37:5,6 / Proverbs 16:3 / Philippians






Chapter: Josh 8

Passage: Josh 8:20-29

A. Find out :


1. What did the men of Ai see? v.20

2. What had Israel 's army done when they saw it? v.21

3. Why were the men of Ai caught? v.22

4. How many people died that day? v.24,25

5. What did Israel save? v.27

6. What did they do with Ai? v.28


B. Think :

1. What effects do you think the "Achan affair" had on the Israelites as

     they went to war against Ai a second time?

2. What resulted?


C. Comment :

     Today, perhaps because of live TV coverage, we abhor war and destruction (although that doesn't stop it happening!) and yet because we see it regularly on news bulletins it is something we almost take for granted. When therefore, we read of the total destruction of twelve thousand men, women and children by Israel , our first reaction may not be easy to cope with.

      First we need to remember some very basic facts to get it into perspective. Romans 1 reminds us that NO man has an excuse, God CAN be known through Creation. It also concludes that ALL men are therefore liable to God's judgement because of wilful sin. Note: ALL Men! It is God's mercy and grace that allows men who will call on Him to be saved, through Jesus' death.

     Now we have here in Canaan , various groups of pagan idol worshippers who sacrificed their children and committed other abominable practices that we would put alongside witchcraft today. These had the option of repenting or dying and they chose dying, they chose opposition to the purposes of Almighty God. If we have horror at the destruction of Ai, let us also have horror for millions going to eternal destruction because they, in their foolishness, refuse to repent.


D. Application?

1. Consider people around you who don't know the Lord and pray for them


2. Sin destroys!



Chapter: Josh 8

Passage: Josh 8:30-35

A. Find out :


1. What did Joshua now build? v.30

2. Where did he do it? v.30

3. How did he build it? v.31a

4. What did he do with it? v.31b

5. What did he next do? v.32

6. Where did the people stand? v.33

7. What did Joshua do? v.34,35


B. Think :

1. Read Deuteronomy 11:29 What is Joshua now doing?

2. What do you think is the point of this?

3. Read 2 Timothy 3:16,17


C. Comment :

     Having just overcome their second opposition in the land, Israel now pause as their reach Mount Ebal , to acknowledge the Lord and His Law. These two peaks clearly stood out and so Moses used them as markers to indicate Israel were well and truly in the land. Having arrived there, they were reminded of the blessings and the curses that God had placed before them. Mount Ebal was where the curses were read out and it was there that Joshua erected the altar and sacrificed to the Lord. Curses remind them of their failure and need for atonement, which is the purpose of the sacrifice.

     Between the two peaks is a natural amphitheatre where it is possible to clearly hear words called out from both sides. Thus the Law was read in the hearing of the people, as if to remind them that this is God's land, and they are to be careful to follow His Law. Reminders are needed again that God is THE Lord, the only one to be followed. He alone is the source of the Law and the provider of the means of salvation for all who fail it. Thus in the land they are careful to restate that. After great conquests, pause and remember, it's the Lord!


D. Application?

1. We all fail. We all deserve to be cursed, but Jesus became a curse for us

     (Galatians 3:10 -14).

2. Thank the Lord for His salvation, Jesus.





RECAP - "Taking Jericho & Ai" -   Joshua 6-8



In these 8 studies we have seen:

- Israel circling Jericho , Jericho 's walls falling, the city taken

- Rahab being saved

- Ai attacked and Israel defeated

- Achan exposed and killed for his sin

- Wise strategy taking Ai

- The Law of curses & blessing read out


      The destruction of Jericho was somewhat unorthodox but it was God's way and it was successful. One man was disobedient and one man (who should have known better) was complacent and so an army was routed at the next battle. It was only when they sought God (which they should have done already) that the situation was put right.

      The overall message of this section must surely be that success comes with obeying God's revealed strategy and failure follows disobedience. Complacency is always lurking there to trap us.



1. Faith grows as we go!

2. Our salvation is all of God's grace and mercy.

3. We cannot be casual with disobedience.

4. God's wisdom is available for every situation.

5. We deserve the curse of God's judgement.

6. Jesus became a curse for us.



     Obedience v disobedience and zeal v complacency. Ask the Lord's forgiveness if disobedience and complacency have characterised your life, and determine to change it!


PART 4 : "Going Through the Land"     Chapters 9-11

     As we watch Joshua moving through the land, taking it for God, marvel at the victory after victory. Note also how Israel nearly went wrong because they still hadn't learnt to take every new situation to the Lord. Observe also God's grace that over-rules.