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Daily Bible Studies

O.T. Contents
Series Theme:   Studies in Joshua 1-11  - "Entering the Land"
Page Contents:

Chs. 1-2



Num 33:50-56


















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Num 33:50-56




















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Num 33:50-56






















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Num 33:50-56
























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Num 33:50-56






















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Num 33:50-56





















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Num 33:50-56























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Num 33:50-56



















NOTE : The Preparation of Joshua


     Although we are going to follow Joshua leading the people of Israel into the land, Joshua's story starts well before this. He was a man well prepared for the job as we shall see if we look up the following references:


A. Early Days

1. Exodus 17:9 First reference to Joshua, as the army leader going out to fight the Amalakites who were opposing Israel .

2. Exodus 24:13 Moses takes Joshua with him up onto Mount Sinai to meet with the Lord. There he is referred to as "Moses' assistant". Whether he went the whole way up with Moses is not clear. He obviously did stay up the mountain the same forty days as Moses as we'll soon see.

3. Exodus 32:17 Coming down the mountain they hear the sounds of revelry in the camp. He witnessed Moses smashing the tablets of stone.

4. Exodus 33:11 He stayed at the tent of meeting outside the camp. A lonely, privileged position.

5. Numbers 11:28 He is with Moses and the elders when they all prophesied, jealous for the Lord.


B. Spying out the Land

6. Numbers 13:1-16 He is one of the twelve spies sent to explore the land and report back.

7. Numbers 14:6-9 Joshua and Caleb are full of faith to take the land after the rest were afraid.

8. Numbers 14:30 Joshua and Caleb ONLY (of the men over the age of 20) are promised entry to the land by the Lord.


C. At the end of Wilderness Wandering

9. Numbers 26:63-65 Joshua and Caleb are the only ones left at the end of the forty years wandering.

10. Numbers 27:15-23 Joshua is commissioned to lead Israel when Moses is gone.

11. Deuteronomy 31:1-8 Moses instructs Israel to follow Joshua.

12. Deuteronomy 34:9 Joshua takes over.


Introduction to Joshua


Past History :

     God took Israel 's family, which had now grown into a nation with possibly as many as two million people, and delivered them out of Egypt for the express purpose of giving them a land of their own - Canaan . This was to be a land where they could live under God's rule and receiving God's blessing, be a light or witness to all other nations.

     When they reached the borders of Canaan their faith failed and in unbelief, they refused to go in. Just three men believed, Moses, Joshua and Caleb. Because of this God kept Israel in the wilderness for 40 years, between Egypt and Canaan until all the responsible men over the age of 20 (when they left Egypt ) had died. It was, therefore, the next generation who were called by God to go in and take the land promised to them. As they approached the land again, God took Moses home to be with Himself and placed Joshua in command to lead the nation into the land He had promised them.


These Studies :

  In the first half of the book of Joshua, covered by these studies, we will see:

- God preparing Joshua to lead the people

- spies sent to view the land

- the miraculous crossing of the River Jordan

- the miraculous taking of the city of Jericho

- disobedience causing defeat at Ai

- deception by one city

- total victory over all who stand against them.

     Joshua challenges us to think about the battle that WE have to fight as we take possession of our "land" (the kingdom of God on earth). It calls for complete OBEDIENCE to the purposes of God but promises complete VICTORY when we are.


PART I : "Getting Ready"

     In these first studies see the Lord encouraging Joshua in word and with the realisation of the fear there was in the land of the army of Israel . Joshua is left in no doubt that the Lord is with them to take the land!




Chapter: Numbers 33


Passage: Numbers 33:50-56   


A. Find out :


1. To whom did God speak? v.50b

2. Where were they? v.50a

3. What was about to happen? v.51

4. What 3 things were they to do at first? v.52

5. Then what were they to do? v.54

6. What would happen if they didn't obey fully? v.55


B. Think :

1. Moses isn't going to be allowed into the land himself, so why do you think

     the Lord instructs him to tell the people what to do?

2. What was the key to Israel being able to settle in the land?

3. Why?


C. Comment :

     Israel are encamped to the east of the Jordan river and were able to see across into Canaan , a land populated by a number of fairly small groups of idol worshippers. Canaan hadn't always been like that (see Genesis 14:18 -20) but now idol worship was the norm. Note that God's instruction was "drive out" which isn't necessarily the same as "destroy!". It would only be destroy if the inhabitants refused to go. This was a land that the Lord of Creation has designated to be holy for His chosen people. He has that right!

     Moses is given the instructions by God, even though he won't be going in. Israel had long known his leadership, and words coming from him, especially in his last days, would have greater impact. The gist of the instruction is that Israel is to COMPLETELY clear the land of its inhabitants AND all the signs of false worship. The Lord knows that we are prone to being led astray by even the smallest signs of the old godless life. That must ALL go if we are to be able to live at peace and under the blessing of the Lord in the land (the kingdom of God ).


D. Application?

1. Only God is worthy of worship. Worshipping anything less than Him is

     deception and following untruth.

2. As Christians, the old life of self-centred ruling is to be considered dead

     and buried, gone!



Chapter: Josh 1

Passage: Josh 1:1-9

A. Find out :

1. In what 2 ways is Joshua described? v.1

2. What was God's first command to him? v.2

3. With what result? v.2,3

4. Why will no one be able to withstand him? v.5

5. What did God 3 times instruct him to be? v.6,7,9

6. What did the Lord promise would be the result? v.8c


B. Think :

1. What was Joshua's overall task to be?

2. What personal characteristics would he need?

3. What guidance would he have?


C. Comment :

     The time has come when Israel may enter the promised land, Canaan , and take it for their own. Joshua is to lead the people and the Lord briefs him on the task ahead.

      First of all the Lord PROMISES SUCCESS. He promises Joshua a large piece of land and He, the Lord, will go with him to take it. Again and again in Scripture the Lord promises success for His people, e.g. Psalm 1:3. See also Genesis 39:2,3 and Daniel 1:9,17,20

      Second, note, the PROMISE IS CONDITIONAL. Joshua will only take as much land as he goes to take. Not only that, there are two other things to follow.

      So third, Joshua will need to MAINTAIN A RIGHT OUTLOOK; he will have to be strong and courageous, for he will come against opposition and his heart could faint in the face of it.. No, he must continue to have strength and courage.

       Fourth, Joshua has to OBEY THE LAW that God had given Moses. The Lord may guide them in the warfare but He has decreed His will in terms of everyday living, so Joshua must ensure that they follow that. He must ensure he is a "good Bible student" (he hasn't got much of it yet but what he has got he must obey!), for only by that means can he ensure that his people are walking in God's ways


D. Application?

1. To achieve success, follow the Maker's rules!

2. Success follows faith, courage and obedience. it is the Lord's desire for us

     to succeed in what we do with His guidance and help.




Chapter: Josh 1

Passage: Josh 1:10-18    


A. Find out :

1. Who did Joshua tell to get ready? v.10

2. How soon were they to cross the Jordan ? v.11

3. Who were to settle on the east of the Jordan ? v.12,14

4. What were their fighting men to do? v.14c

5. How long were they to be away? v.15

6. What was their response? v.16,17


B. Think :

1. What does this passage teach us about the unity of the tribes of Israel ?

2. What does it say about what they thought about Joshua?


C. Comment :

     It's a time for preparation, for getting ready to do that which God commanded nearly forty years ago. It is now about to happen! But for one group of people there must have been mixed feelings about crossing the Jordan to take the land, because some time previously Moses had allocated areas of the land to the various tribes, and two and a half of them had been allocated land to the east of the Jordan, the very land where they were now standing. In a sense they were already standing in their inheritance, so why should they cross over? Right, says Joshua, we need your fighting men but everyone else in these tribes can stay here and settle the land. When we've settled everyone else, your fighting men can return.

     Such was the unity of Israel and such their loyalty to Joshua, that there wasn't a murmur against that. Indeed it was the very opposite; there was a statement of total commitment to Joshua that is heart warming. Basically what they said was, we are totally available to you and we'll do whatever you say. Our only desire is that we'll know the Lord remains with you as He was with Moses. If you have that sort of relationship with the Lord we'll know we're secure with you!


D. Application?

1. Want to be a leader who others will follow? Get a close relationship with

     the Lord!

2. Unity brings blessing. (Psalm 133)




Chapter: Josh 2

Passage: Josh 2:1-11    

A. Find out :

1. What were the spies told to do? v.1a

2. Where did they stay? v.1b

3. What put them in peril? v,2,3

4. How did the woman save them? v.4-7

5. What did she proclaim to the spies? v.9a

6. Why had fear fallen on the land? v.9-11


B. Think :

1. How is a small sin committed to prevent a larger one here?

2. What is the basis of Rahab's growing belief in God?

3. How was that belief turned into faith? (check Hebrews 11:31)


C. Comment :

     Here is a passage that has sometimes caused Christians difficulty. Rahab is a prostitute or harlot (depending on your version) but the original could mean an innkeeper, a person of low character, probably an outcast. She hides the spies and tells blatant lies to save them. How can God condone this, we sometimes wonder? There are several answers.

     First, the alternatives in this situation are that she either speaks the truth and the men of Israel are going to be killed, or that she lies and saves them. Both are wrong but perhaps we can suggest that she chooses the lessor of two evils.

     Second, we should always remember that we live in a fallen world where we fail the Lord wittingly or unwittingly again and again as human beings tainted with sin. It is for all sorts of sin that Jesus died. Rahab at this time has little understanding of sin, she just knows what needs to be done in her circumstances. She doesn't know the Lord yet, she can't call for His wisdom, she just has to act the best she can. Hearing about what the Lord has done stirs faith in Rahab, and she aligns herself with the people of God, to eventually take a key position in history (see Matthew 1:5). This indeed is grace!


D. Application?

1. ALL sins need the Cross. In a fallen world it is sometimes necessary to

    choose the lessor of two evils.

2. Faith can operate even in bad circumstances.




Chapter: Josh 2

Passage: Josh 2:12-24

A. Find out :


1. What did Rahab ask of the spies? v.12,13

2. What was their response? v.14

3. How did they leave the city? v.15

4. How were they to escape pursuit? v.16,22,23

5. How did they instruct her? v.17-19

6. What did they report to Joshua? v.24


B. Think :

1. What were the 3 conditions for Rahab's safety?

2. God HAD said He was giving them the land (1:3). How did this spying

    trip confirm that to the Israelites?

3. Signs of downfall often come from within. What signs are seen in a

     person when they start considering seeking after God?

C. Comment :

      Rahab's faith now looks to the future. She believes God is with these Israelites and that they will overcome Jericho , and so she is concerned for her future, but not only hers but also that of her family. The men promise her safety as long as she does three things:

1. Says nothing about them to anyone

2. Puts a sign in the window and

3. Stays within the house when the army comes.

      The first one will ensure they escape to convey the information about her, and the second and third will ensure she is not mistakenly killed in the attack. Then, with the agreement made, she lets them out of the city with advice on how to avoid capture: go in the opposite direction to the pursuers who had gone chasing down to the Jordan ; instead hide in the hills until the pursuers have returned and the route back is clear.

      When they got back safely they reported to Joshua the fear in the hearts of the people in the land. Yes, the way is open for them to take the land! The Lord SAID it and now they have seen with their own eyes that the land is ripe for the taking.


D. Application?

1. When God speaks and directs there will probably be confirming signs.

2. Faith looks to the future. Think about that.




RECAP - "Getting Ready" -   Joshua 1 & 2



In these 5 studies we have seen:

- the Lord instructing Moses about the land

- the Lord instructing Joshua about the land

- the men from the tribes on the east of the Jordan going to fight

   with Joshua

- spies being sent out to Jericho

- Rahab helping the spies & being promised salvation

- the spies reporting back to Joshua



     The task for Israel is clearly set by God: to completely clear the land of all pagan, idol worshipping unbelievers. Joshua is promised success as long as he sticks close to the Lord. Taking the land is dependant on the promises of God and obedience of Joshua. As they prepare to go in Joshua sends in spies who are helped by Rahab, an outcast in Jericho . She helps them and in return is promised safety when the city is taken. Rahab is the first sign for Israel .



1. God is to be obeyed, the old life is to die.

2. Success comes with faith, obedience & boldness.

3. Unity and loyalty bring blessing

4. All sins need the Cross but grace reaches to the lowest.

5. Faith is followed by confirmation.



     This is a story about a man of faith who fought to destroy God's enemies. Pray that, as you do these studies, you too will become a warrior of faith.


PART 2 : "Entering the Land"    Chapters 3-5

     To actually get into the land is going to need Divine help. Watch for the way the Lord goes ahead and opens the way up for Israel . When they get into the Land, Joshua comes to realise that the Lord is there. Consider as you read, do you think the Lord is in the new places you move into?