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Daily Bible Studies

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Series Theme:   Isaiah Studies (Series 7 of 8 - chapters 55 to 60)
Page Contents:

Ch. 60




























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Chapter: Isaiah 60


Passage: Isaiah 60:1-3    


A. Find Out:


1. What is the call to them? v.1a

2. Why can they do this? v.1b

3. What is the state of the world? v.2a

4. But what is happening to Israel ? v.2b

5. Who will come? v.3

6. What will they come to? v.3


B. Think:

1. Why will Israel appear different from other nations?

2. What effect will that have on the world?

3. Why was that needed at that time, do you think?

C. Comment:

     The Lord has just declared that He will come as a Redeemer to Israel and establish a new covenant with them. Now He brings a call to Israel to stand up and be seen by the rest of the world.

     He starts by a call to “rise and shine” (which isn't a call to get out of bed!). It's a call to stand up and be seen to be different. Why can they do that? Because the presence or glory of the Lord has come to them. This is what makes them different from the rest of the word – that God is with them!

     He then calls attention to the rest of the world: there is (spiritual) darkness over the rest of the earth. The rest of the earth do not know God. They have no revelation. They are living in Sin. There is no revelation. This is darkness, ‘thick darkness' and it is over all the rest of the world. Without the knowledge and presence of God, there is only darkness.

     Then He comes back to Israel 's state as He promises it: His presence and His glory is returning to the chosen people. It is happening. But because this is prophecy and prophecy often speaks out of time, it is not clear in history when this actually will be. The most obvious conclusion is that in the light of the words about a new Spirit and word covenant, it came about in the establishing of the kingdom of Jesus , when Christians become the new people of God who are not limited by boundaries. These people will draw many others from all over the globe to the Lord.


D. Application:

1. Where God's presence is, it is seen!

2. God's Spirit dwells in a Christian. Is it seen in you?




Chapter: Isaiah 60

Passage: Isaiah 60:4-6

A. Find Out:


1. What are they to do first? v.4a

2. What are they then to do? v4b,c

3. What will they then do and why? v.5a,b

4. What will come to them? v.5c,d

5. What will be seen in the land? v.6a,b

6. What will they be bringing? v.6c,d


B. Think:

1. How will there be a restoration of people?

2. What impact will that have on them?

3. How will there be a new prosperity?

C. Comment:

     In verse 3 we saw the Lord saying that kings and nations would come to them. That is now enlarged upon. He tells them to actually start looking for it is happening. When a prophetic word comes, the Lord looks for an immediate response in us. The fulfilment may not be for a while, but the Lord does look for an immediate faith response in us.

     He says that their offspring will return to the land from afar. This may apply to the return after the Exile, or the return in the 20 th century. It simply means that future generations will return to the land. This will release great joy in them; their faces will be radiant with that joy.

     Then they will find that because the blessing of God is upon them, it will also mean that the hearts of other nations will be turned to them and they will trade and become exceedingly prosperous. The picture of camel caravans coming loaded with produce to pay them for the good things God has given them is indeed beautiful. There are echoes of the reign of Solomon here, when the nation was at its most prosperous.   The difficulty here is trying to understand when this is that the Lord is speaking about. Perhaps it is better simply to observe the spiritual principles rather than get bogged down in prophetic fulfilment concerns. The truth here is that when God moves and blesses His people, it means restoration, it means a coming together of His people and it means physical prosperity as well as spiritual blessing (the Lord does not distinguish between the two.)


D. Application:

1. When the Lord blesses, He blesses!!!

2. The Lord plans good things for his people – if they will receive them.





Chapter: Isaiah 60

Passage: Isaiah 60:7-9 


A. Find Out:


1. What will be given to them? v.7a,b

2. What will they be used for? v.7c,d

3. What does he ask? v.8

4. Who are turning to the Lord? v.9a

5. Who are they bringing? v.9b

6. Why? v.9c


B. Think:

1. How is verse 7 a continuation of the previous verses?

2. What is the picture conveying in verses 8 & 9?

3. What will be the outcome of all of this?

C. Comment:

     From back in 59:19 the Lord spoke about men from other nations coming. In verse 3 of this chapter He declared that nations and kings would turn and come to Israel . In verse 4 He said that their descendants would return from around the earth and in verse 5 onwards, trade and prosperity would come to Israel . So in verse 7 we find a continuation of this picture of prosperity coming to Israel and then in verse 9 a reiteration of their descendants coming from afar.

    First, the coming of prosperity. The names of the places in verses 6 and 7 – Midian in the far south, Ephar to the east of the Persian Gulf, now Kedar amd Nabaioth to the east in the northern reaches of the Arabian desert, all these indicate that people are going to come to them from all round the region. These last peoples will bring flocks to restore the Temple worship which will be glorious once again (whether figurative or literal in fulfilment is unclear, although it did happen in a measure at the return from Exile).

     In verse 8 we see a return that is speedy (clouds) and natural (doves returning to nests). In verse 9 the distant lands send ships bringing back the children of Israel, the descendants (sons) of Israel, who will come bringing the spoil of the world (silver & gold) and as it is seen, the Lord will be honoured and glorified, and Israel will be seen to be endowed again by the Lord with the splendour of prosperity (did this happen after the Exile, it certainly did in a measure in the mid 20 th century).


D. Application:

1. When God purposes, it happens!

2. When God decrees restoration, it happens!




Chapter: Isaiah 60

Passage: Isaiah 60:10-12      

A. Find Out:    


1. Who will do what for them? v.10a

2. How has the Lord changed towards them? v.10b

3. What will change in the city? v.11a,b

4. What will that enable to happen? v.11c,d

5. What will happen to those who don't serve Israel ? v.12


B. Think:

1. What signs of their future power are here?

2. What signs of their future prosperity are here?

3. Why is all this going to happen?

C. Comment:

     As we have already noticed the Lord is going to bring people to Israel from around the world, for a variety of reasons. Some of them coming will simply be their children (descendants) returning to their land. Others will be coming to trade with them. Yet others will come to serve them. Instead of being a broken down nation fleeing into exile, they will become a nation that is coming back together and prospering. And the reason? The Lord has decreed it!

    Previously the Lord had struck them with judgement but having removed the godless, unfaithful and unrighteous from the land, He will then go about restoring it and blessing it. We must remember that the “blessing verses” aren't in isolation – they come after the judgement and cleansing verses and are interspersed among them. On the remnant He will have compassion, on those who were faithful, these are the ones He will bless. It is those whose hearts are set on the Lord, who have committed themselves to obedience, who are blessed by the Lord in these ways.

     So foreigners will come to serve them and work for them in rebuilding the city and foreign kings will put themselves out to help Israel . Because the wealth of the nations will be constantly flowing to Israel , day and night, the city gates will have to remain open to let them in. This is a picture of the ongoing blessing that is coming. And any nation that does not join in blessing Israel ? They will be punished and brought down for not joining in God's plan to bless His people!


D. Application:

1. God's plan is to bless His people. That includes ALL His people today.

2. That blessing includes using “the world”. Dare you believe it?




Chapter: Isaiah 60

Passage: Isaiah 60 :13-15

A. Find Out:


1. What will come to them? v.13a

2. With what purpose and outcome? v.13b

3. Who will come and bow down? v.14a

4. How will they describe Jerusalem ? v.14b

5. How have they been in the past? v.15a

6. Yet how will the Lord make them? v.15b


B. Think:

1. How is the temple going to know its former splendour?

2. How is there going to be a reversal of fortunes?

3. Why, again, is all this going to happen?

C. Comment:

     You may have noticed that in this whole section each verse is a four line stanza. It is a prophetic poem about the restoration of Israel . Again and again the same things are being said but in different ways to ensure we actually take in the wonder of what is coming.

     The problem of belief is because of what is or has been. In today's verses we have clear hints of how things have been. They have been oppressed and despised by their enemies (v.14). They have been forsaken and hated and isolated (v.15). Things had not been good, and when it is like that it is hard to believe it is going to change, so the Lord says it again and again.

      He has been saying about nations coming to them, prosperity and trade coming to them. Now He talks about the wonderful trees of Lebanon being brought to them to create a beautiful finish for the restored temple, and when that happens the Lord Himself will return to His temple. It will be like it was when the temple was first built.

     He has mentioned their sons (descendants) returning. Now He says the sons (descendants) of their enemies will also come but they will come bowing down, acknowledging that Jerusalem is the holy residence of the Lord. There is going to be a transformation and it's going to come because the Lord is going to come and take His place again at the heart of the nation. Whenever this takes place, whether after the exile, in the 20 th century, or yet some future date, it is going to be glorious.


D. Application:

1. The presence of the Lord transforms. Pray for His presence in our


2. When the Lord comes, His enemies bow down. He is the Lord!





Chapter: Isaiah 60

Passage: Isaiah 60:16-18

A. Find Out:


1. How will they be fed? v.16a,b

2. How will they then know the Lord? v.16c,d

3. What materials will they be using, instead of what? v.17a-c

4. What will rule over them? v.17d

5. What will not be their portion? v.18a.b

6. But what will surround and protect them? v.18c,d


B. Think:

1. What does verse 16 indicate about the level of care they will receive?

2. What do the materials of verse 17 indicate?

3. What is the similar point to verse 18?

C. Comment:

     In this amazing ongoing category of blessings that God is going to bring Israel , He now speaks about intimate care, quality of provision and ultimate security.

     First the   INTIMATE CARE that the Lord is going to provide for His people. The ‘milk of nations' speaks of nourishment that will be provided for them by the world. ‘Nursed at royal breasts' speaks of the intimate care that is going to be provided by the world. And this is all going to come from the Lord who is their Saviour and Redeemer. He is going to move in such a way that Israel is going to be really cared for by the rest of the world, with leaders taking the most intimate care (giving time and attention) to Israel.

     Next there is the QUALITY OF PROVISION. So far, in recent days, they have been using such common materials as bronze, iron, wood and stones. Now the Lord will bring such affluence to them, that they will use gold and silver and quality bronze and iron. There is going to be such a provision they will only use the very best materials! More than that, peace and righteousness will prevail over their lives looking after them.

     Then comes ULTIMATE SECURITY. In the past they had known invasion, oppression and destruction. Now there will come such a new level of security from the Lord that His salvation and praise from heaven will be the very things that provide them with all the security they will need. Instead of earthly security which fails, will come a heavenly security, secure for ever.


D. Application:

1. God is concerned to bless His people in every way, spiritual AND


2. God's intent is that His people be secure in His salvation. Are we?



Chapter: Isaiah 60

Passage: Isaiah 60:19-22

A. Find Out:
1. What won't be their natural source of light? v.19a,b 20a,b
2. Why? v.19c,d, 20c,d
3. What will be the state of the people? v.21a
4. What will they do and why? v.21b-d
5. What will they become? v.22a,b
6. Why? v.22c

B. Think:


1. How do these verses suggest this is not earthly but eternal?

2. How is eternal security shown?

3. What is the final mark of the Lord's blessing on them?


C. Comment:


     As the Lord continues to declare what He will do for Israel , His people, we suddenly realise that these words have an eternal dimension to them.

     First of all, that is shown in verses 19 & 20 by the fact that natural light will no longer be our light source, but the Lord Himself. The fact that the sun and moon will no longer set is not natural. The Lord also is declared to be their everlasting light. There is a possibility that this is purely spiritual or figurative but the literal sense seems stronger.

     The next unusual element in this passage is the declaration that when this happens ALL of their people will be righteous. Now this could never be so of natural Israel , only spiritual Israel , the Church, for the Church simply means the “called-out” people of God, wherever they are on the earth.

    “They will possess the land forever” indicates a new level of security and certainty in their future. Is the land simply the “ kingdom of God ” that Jesus came to bring? This people are a shoot of the spiritual plant - the people of God are often referred to as a plant that God plants and which grows. God has planted them and so they will grow and flourish and multiply greatly, and when the Lord's time comes for this to happen, it will all happen very swiftly.

D. Application:


1. Jesus is the Light of the World and has become our light. That light will

    continue on into eternity for us.

2. The Lord has brought us into a place of eternal security NOW, the

     kingdom of God on earth, which will flow for us into heaven.




RECAP - "Transformation by the Lord" - Isaiah Chapter 60




In this final group of 7 studies we have seen declarations that :

- God's glory is coming to Jerusalem (v.1,2)

- nations will flow to her (v.3)

- their descendants will return to the land (v,4)

- riches will pour into Jerusalem (v.5-9)

- the wealth of nations will flow to them (v.10-17)

- peace & righteousness will come (v.17,18)

- the Lord will be their light (v.19,20

- they will all become righteous and great (v.21,22)



     There may be question marks over just when this took place or will take place, but the main thrust of the chapter is clear: God is coming to bless His people and so great will be that blessing that it will mean a return to the land in the future of their scattered descendants and, even more, people from all round the world coming and great prosperity returning to the people of God. The measure of blessing seems to have an eternal dimension to it and thus “people of God” is more likely to mean the world wide church comprising both Jew & Gentile who are saved.



1. The Lord desires to raise up a people who carry His glory.

2. He desires to bring people from all round the world.

3. His blessing on this people includes every area of their lives.

4. What He intends can be summarised by the one word, “Transformation”!

5. His blessing includes His own presence being with His people for ever.



     Thank the Lord for the wonder of His salvation that touches and transforms every area of your life. Allow Him to shine His light into your heart to make obvious every area, and then submit them all to Him. Allow Him to bring that transformation to every (yes, EVERY) aspect of your life.






In these chapters we have seen:

1. "A New All-Inclusive Covenant"   Isaiah 55:1 – 56:8

- invitation to a new world Davidic covenant (v.1-5)

- a call to seek the Lord (v.6-9)

- a declaration that God's word will be accomplished (v.10-13)

- a call to righteousness (v.1,2)

- the coming salvation to be all inclusive (v.3-8)


2. "Diagnosis of Israel's Sin"   Isaiah 56:9 – 58:14

- God's condemnation of Israel 's ‘watchmen' (56:9-12)

- Death being an escape for the righteous (57:1,2)

- Condemnation of the idol worshippers (57:3-13)

- God's hope for those who are contrite in spirit (57:14-21)

- Israel 's rebellion while looking good (58:1-3)

- God's condemnation of their fasting (58:3-5)

- The sort of fasting God is looking for (58:6-14)


3. "The Lord Comes to Fallen Israel "   Isaiah 59

- declaration - Israel 's sins have separated them from God (v,1,2)

- condemnation for their violence, their injustice and their

   unrighteousness (v.3-11)

- an acknowledgement of their guilt of turning from God (v.12-15)

- the Lord looking and finding no one to intervene (v.15-16)

- the Lord Himself preparing to come and bring salvation (v.16-19)

- the promise of a Redeemer coming to Jerusalem (v.20)

- a promise of a new eternal covenant with the Lord. (v.21)


4. "Transformation by the Lord"   Isaiah 60

Declarations that :

- God's glory is coming to Jerusalem (v.1,2)

- nations will flow to her (v.3)

- their descendants will return to the land (v,4)

- riches will pour into Jerusalem (v.5-9)

- the wealth of nations will flow to them (v.10-17)

- peace & righteousness will come (v.17,18)

- the Lord will be their light (v.19,20

- they will all become righteous and great (v.21,22)






    As we come to the end of this set of studies, the following may be some of the things we may want to consider further:

1. Confrontation of Sin


      It is this aspect of Old Testament prophecy that makes people make inaccurate comments about the harshness of a God of judgement. The prophet is not afraid to confront Israel with their spiritual state. The foolish person objects to this, but if a doctor failed to diagnose a disease, we would call him negligent. The reality is that Israel had, in a large measure, turned away from God and turned to reliance upon idols (which we've seen in detail in earlier chapters). Of course these idols could not help Israel and so they got into difficulties with other nations and fell before them. Their moral and spiritual state left much to be desired.

      Post-modern man tries to shrug that off and ignore it, but the prophet knows that while we are opposing God and relying upon man made things, we are in trouble. That trouble is only escaped when we deal with those things. The blessing of God does not come to a people that is in rebellion, only to a people who has returned to Him and to His ways, the ways He has designed us to work! With our modern mentality, we may not like the talk of sin and judgement but it is as essential as talking about diagnosis of an illness and the corrective surgery that is needed. We perhaps need to adjust our thinking to come in line with God's!

2. The Grace and Mercy of God


    Again and again in these chapters the prophet reveals to us the intention of God to come and bless the repentant remnant (some of whom will be in the future). We may take this for granted but this is all about the mercy of God. Mercy is that characteristic that blesses for no other reason than it has decided to bless. Mercy is not (and cannot by definition be) deserved. We have done nothing to deserve God's blessing, indeed quite to the contrary. if God were a human being, He would give up on His people and they would have been wiped out long back – together with the rest of the human race! But God so loved the world that He gave His only Son so that whosoever would believe in him would be saved!

     That applied two thousand years ago and it still applies today. The concept of the Son as the Redeemer wasn't clear three thousand years ago, but it was still a case of whosoever believed God would be saved. Any why was that? Simply because God decided that, and that was mercy. God decided not to bring judgement on the believing remnant, even though they were still far from perfect, and that was mercy! To bless and bless and bless this believing remnant is pure grace. He could have just not destroyed them – but He blessed them – and He blesses us. Grace!