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Daily Bible Studies

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Series Theme:   Isaiah Studies (Series 5 of 8 - chapters 44 to 48)
Page Contents:

Chapter 45



























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PRELIMINARY to reading Isaiah

   Please check the 1st set of this series to understand Isaiah more fully



Chapter: Isaiah 45


Passage: Isaiah 44:28 - 45:3     


A. Find Out:


1. Who is named and described as what? v.28a

2. What will he say? v.28

3. How again does the Lord describe this person? v.1a

4. What will the Lord do with him? v.1

5. What will the Lord do for him? v.2

6. What more will He do and why? v.3


B. Think:

1. Read 2 Chron 36:22,23 / Ezra 1:1,2

2. What does Isaiah prophesy that Cyrus will do?

3. What was the Lord going to do for Cyrus?

C. Comment:

     Liberal theologians who don't believe that God can speak to His people say this passage must have been written many years later. Actually Isaiah must have been prophesying about 700BC and Cyrus released the exiles to come back about 538BC, some 160 years later! We have no problem with God speaking these things at this time and then Cyrus, at the end of the exile, finding his name written and responding to the prompting of the Lord to do this.   No problem at all! Why can't God speak out His purposes before they happen!

     This simply reaffirms what the Lord has said through Isaiah already, that He is a God who moves history (40:23,24 / 41:2,25) and that He will bring Israel back to the land (43:5,6).

     What has been the message that Isaiah has been constantly bringing? That God is a Redeemer who has delivered His people in the past and will deliver them in the future. If coming out of Egypt was one major event in the life of Israel, the exile is going to be the other. In both cases the sovereign God moved. In the former it was to judge a Gentile king, in the latter simply to use a Gentile king who was open to the purposes of God.

      THE crucial issue at stake here is, do YOU believe in this sort of God, one who speaks and then fulfils His purposes. Those purposes include nations and individuals.


D. Application:

1. Do I see myself as part of God's plans and purposes?

2. Is my ear open to hear the prompting of the Lord?




Chapter: Isaiah 45

Passage: Isaiah 45:4-7

A. Find Out:    


1. What does the Lord do with Cyrus? v.4b,c

2. Why? v.4a

3. What does He declare about Himself? v.5a,b

4. What does He say He will do with Cyrus? v.5c

5. With what outcome? v.6

6. What does the Lord say He does? v.7


B. Think:

1. What, here, does the Lord say He will do for Cyrus?

2. How do we know He's still speaking about Cyrus?

3. What will be the end of all this?

C. Comment:

       Twice in the previous verses the Lord has named His servant Cyrus, one who will instruct Jerusalem to be rebuilt. Twice in today's verses the Lord points out that this person does not acknowledge Him. This is a Gentile who doesn't know God. Yet the Lord is going to use him. More than that He is going to honour him and strengthen him. This ruler is going to be great and part of his greatness is because the world will know that he was part of God's plan, he was part of Israel's destiny.   

     Again, as with each of these prophecies, the Lord declares things about Himself. As we've said previously the ability of the hearers to believe these prophetic words is dependent on the veracity of the one from whom they come. The Lord declares His uniqueness to Cyrus, because he is a Gentile unbeliever and might believe in a multitude of gods. He needs to know that He is dealing with The One Supreme God and that there is no other god or gods. This is the Eternal One who is also the Creator of all things, the One who makes light and darkness, the one who can bring blessing (prosperity) or curse (disaster), the One who intervenes in human history, that is why He is speaking now.

     The end of all this is that the world will look on all that has happened and marvel and wonder and praise and worship God – well those who are seekers will see this and respond like this.


D. Application:

1. God does take and use unbelievers. He is not limited. Praise Him!

2. He does mover sovereignly in history. Worship Him!




Chapter: Isaiah 45

Passage: Isaiah 45:8-12      


A. Find Out:


1. What does the Lord call on to bring what? v.8

2. Who does He warn against doing what? v.9

3. Who else does He warn? v.10

4. How does the Lord describe Himself? v.11a,b

5. About what does He chide now? v.11c,d

6. What does He say He has done? v.12


B. Think:

1. What does the Lord say He is bringing?

2. Against whom does He speak?

3. What do you think is the point of this passage?

C. Comment:

     The Lord has been saying how He is going to bring a king who doesn't know Him, to use him for his purposes, so that the world will see and know that this is the work of the Lord. He has declared again His greatness and power.  Now He calls for righteousness and salvation to come to His people – this is His present purpose.

     Then He moves on to chide those who would question His activities. Hold on, He says, can a pot speak and challenge the Potter? Can it argue about what He is making? Can a child argue with its parents about whether they should have had him? Can mere mortals argue with Almighty God about what He is doing?

     In all these things He is showing the shear folly of those who would grumble and moan and criticise the work of God. It is so easy to grumble about what you don't understand, but when it comes to God, we would do well to simply remain silent when understanding evades us!  This is the Lord we are talking about, the One who created all things, the One who knows all things and can do all things! How dare we even voice a single word against Him. He is the One who is holy, utterly perfect, good in every sense of the word. God is above criticism, so how dare foolish humans raise their voice against Him. May we never find ourselves being part of this foolish group in the world!


D. Application:

1. God is perfect in every way. Worship Him!

2. All God does is good. Praise and thank Him!




Chapter: Isaiah 44

Passage: Isaiah 44:13-17  

A. Find Out:


1. What will the Lord do for Cyrus? v.13a,b

2. What will Cyrus do in return and for what? v.13c,d

3. Who will submit to Israel? v.14

4. What will they acknowledge? v.14

5. How does Isaiah describe the Lord? v.15

6. What will happen to all the idol makers? v.16

7. What will happen to Israel? v.17


B. Think:

1. In what ways is God's sovereignty revealed here?

2. How will those things affect Israel?

3. How should these words be comforting for Israel?

C. Comment:

     These are remarkable and amazing verses for Israel, in the extent of the Lord's activity on their behalf that is revealed.

      First, there is further reference to this figure, Cyrus, this Gentile king, who the Lord is going to use. The Lord declares that He will raise him up and He will make his ways clear and straight forward so that Cyrus will rebuild the broken down Jerusalem and set the exiled Israelites free, yet it won't be for any personal benefit to Cyrus. Amazing!

     Then there will be the Egyptians, that other nation that so often was a thorn in the side of Israel, a nation that was so often big and powerful. Don't worry about them either, says the Lord, I'm going to deal with them so that they will be in submission to you.

      Wow, says Isaiah, in the face of all this, you are a God who mostly keeps Himself to Himself, who would have wondered at these incredible plans that affect the Gentile world for the blessing of Israel!

      But realise that it will not be the idols that do this, is what the Lord infers, it will be me! God is Israel's saviour and redeemer, He is the One who will do all these things, and their purpose is to bless the covenant community.   His name will be honoured.


D. Application:

1. The Lord moves sovereignly among all nations. He is the Lord!

2. The Lord moves for the blessing of His people. He is the Lord!




Chapter: Isaiah 45

Passage: Isaiah 45 :18,19

A. Find Out:


1. How, again, does the Lord describe Himself? v.18b,c

2. What point does He also make about that? v.18d,e

3. What does He conclude about Himself? v.18f

4. What does He say He has NOT done? v.19a,b

5. What has He also NOT done? v.19c,d

6. What, in fact, does He do? v.19e,f


B. Think:

1. What point is the Lord making when He speaks about being Creator?

2. What point is He making in verse 19?

3. Why do you think He feels He needs to say these things?

C. Comment:

     Previously the Lord has been saying how He will come and bless Israel and use Cyrus in years to come to bring them back to their land. He has said that He will make other nations subservient to them. As we have said previously, a number of times, for Israel to believe this, the most important thing is that they realise who it is who is saying this. Thus the way the Lord speaks about Himself is crucial.

     Back in verse 12 He spoke of Himself as creator of mankind. Now He reminds them that He is the Creator of ALL things, the One who made the earth and made it to be a blessing to mankind. In this He is emphasising His greatness, His care for them and His uniqueness. His word about blessing them depends to a large measure on His capability to do it. Seen in the light of His creative activities, it is no difficulty.

    But He also reminds them that He has not hidden Himself from them. He hides Himself from idol worshippers (v.15,16) but He has not hidden Himself from Israel through the centuries. To the contrary He has been open to them through His prophets and has spoken clearly. When He says, “Seek me”, it's because He can be found by seekers. No, this is the Lord who is God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, the One who entered into covenant relationship with Israel, the One who speaks clearly, the One who can be trusted when He speaks.


D. Application:

1. What the Lord says, He does.

2. The Lord has spoken over your life. Believe Him.




Chapter: Isaiah 45

Passage: Isaiah 45:20-22

A. Find Out:


1. Who does the Lord call to come together? v.20a,b

2. How does He deride? v.20c,d

3. What does He first challenge them to do? v.21a,b

4. What does He next challenge them to do? v.21c,d

5. Who does He say only can do this and why? v.21e,f

6. What does He call on them to do and why? v.22


B. Think:

1. What people is the Lord now speaking to?

2. What point is He making?

3. Why do you think He feels He needs to say this?

C. Comment:

     There are people in the world who are religious, but not godly! Such were idol worshippers, such are New Age people, people who have a sense of the spiritual but don't want to be submissive to God.   Again and again in these chapters the Lord speaks to and challenges those who worship idols. In 41:22-24 He challenged them to tell Him what was going to happen in the future.  Again He does that now.  In 44:9-20 He showed the futility of worshipping hand-made objects. Continually he speaks against those who would put their trust in “things”, not Him.

     Again, now, He challenges all those, wherever they be in the world, who so put their trust in “things”, to come together and all together to put their case.  Come on, He says, which of these idols of yours can predict the future?  Which of them long back predicted what is now happening? Come on, face up to it, your idols can't do these things, only I, the Lord God, can do this.

     We may have a tendency to think all this talk about idols is not for today, but the truth is that if people don't trust God, then they will, as they seek security, put their trust in “things”. Those things may be science or technology in the mistaken belief that knowledge of such things will do away with the Sin tendency in us all. No, whatever knowledge we have, we still need the Lord's salvation in Jesus Christ!


D. Application:

1. Knowledge is helpful but is not the answer.

2. Only the Lord is Saviour of the world. Seek Him!



Chapter: Isaiah 45

Passage: Isaiah 45:23-25

A. Find Out:


1. What does the Lord say about His word? v.23a-c

2. What does the word say? v.23d,e

3. What will people say? v.24a,b

4. What will those do who have raged against God? v.24c,d

5. In the Lord, who will be found what? v.25


B. Think:

1. How does the Lord reassure us about His word?

2. What is the end of the Lord's plans for the world?

3. What is the end of the Lord's plans for believers?

C. Comment:

     The Lord has again just derided those who turn to idol worship and has concluded it with a call for all people to forsake trust in things and turn to Him. Then He says something most seriously. He has sworn on His own name that His plans WILL be fulfilled. In other words, He places His good name on the line. If this doesn't happen, He's not who He says He is!   His integrity is on the line and He will not withdraw His plans.

     What are they? That at the end of all things, every human knee will bow before Him and acknowledge that He is the Lord. They will acknowledge that in Him alone is righteousness and that His way alone is the way to life. Even those who have ranted and raved about God will come before Him and will see the truth, and their mouths will be silenced and they will be put to shame, because they will realise that God is utterly good and His ways are utterly good, and there are no grounds to criticise God. This is the truth and it will be seen by every soul who has ever lived on the earth. In the face of that, every person will agree with the judgement about their lives!

     But this is not a fearful thing for believers, for the descendants of Israel are believers, people of faith who have been saved by the blood of Jesus. These people will be declared righteous through the work of Christ and they alone will be able to be secure and rejoice.


D. Application:

1. God is perfect. There are NO grounds to criticise him.

2. He has saved us.




RECAP - "The Works of God Almighty" - Isaiah Chapter 45



In this second group of 7 studies we have seen the Lord :

- speaking of Cyrus who will help Israel (v.1)

- promising Cyrus help (v.2-6)

- declaring He is the Creator of all things (v.7-12)

- therefore He will raise up Cyrus (v.13)

- He will also deal with Egypt (v.14)

- again declaring His lordship over all things (v.15-19)

- deriding idol worshippers (v.20,21)

- calling for all men to come to Him and be saved. (v.22-25)



       This chapter is all about the sovereignty of God as He works upon the earth. He is going to call and use a Gentile king who doesn't know Him. He's going to do something on Israel's behalf that will leave the world gasping. He who is the Creator of the world, the Lord of all things, is going to make it possible for this king to bring about the rebuilding of Jerusalem. More than that, He will deal with Egypt and any other country, for that matter, who would stand against His purposes. Why? Because He's the Lord! He can do that!



1. God takes and uses even unbelievers for His purposes.

2. His penultimate purpose is to bless His people.

3. His ultimate purpose is to be revealed to the whole world.

4. The Lord will bring down ungodly nations.

5. The Lord alone knows the future, rules over it.



     Bow before the One who is the Lord of all things. Declare He is the Lord over history, the One who oversees all things.


PART 3 : "Babylon in the scheme"

      In this next Part, in chapter 46, we'll see the Lord compared to the gods of Babylon and then in chapter 47 the downfall of Babylon is predicted. Yes, the Lord will use Babylon in His purposes but that will not excuse their unrighteous arrogance; that will be dealt with, and that will be seen by the rest of the world.