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Daily Bible Studies

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Series Theme:   Studies in the Messiah in Isaiah - 2/4  (Mixed studies)
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Chapter: Isaiah 16


Passage: Isaiah 16:1-5   


A. Find Out:


1. What is to be sent to whom? v.1

2. What is to be asked of Zion 's rulers? v.2-4

3. How will a throne be established? v.5a

4. How will a man sit on it? v.5b

5. Where will he come from? v.5c

6. What will he do? v.5d,e


B. Think:

1. Read 15:5. What is the state of Moab and why?

2. How do they look to Zion ?

3. What is the hope brought here in Zion ?

C. Comment:

     This is part of a word to Moab that starts in chapter 15 and continues on here. Moab are going to be invaded and will need help. They will look to Jerusalem for support, they will ask for their refugees to be given shelter in Judah , they are in a desperate state.

    It is then that the prophetic word turns towards a hope. First is declares that the oppressor will eventually disappear (v.4); these terrible war conditions will not always prevail. But then in contrast comes the promise of a rule that will come to bring peace and justice.

     This rule will come into being because of God's covenant love that will prevail through all circumstances and which will eventually bring such a rule of blessing to them. The one who sits on the throne will be faithful to his God and to his people, he will be entirely trustworthy, he will be one who comes from the family line of king David and he will bring justice and righteousness.

     Here in verse 5 we get this tiny glimpse again of the promised messiah. The important thing to note is that the promise comes to a pagan nation, who are receiving the judgement of God, yet for them too the promise is given, of a messiah who will bless them. Jesus is deliverer for Jew AND Gentile.


D. Application:

1. Wars may come but the kingdom of God will prevail.

2. Jesus will continue to rule in the midst of his enemies.





Chapter: Isaiah 28

Passage: Isaiah 28:14-18

A. Find Out:    


1. To whom was the Lord speaking? v.14

2. What did they believe? v.15

3. What did the Lord say He was doing? v.16

4. What would provide the required guidance? v.17a

5. So what would happen to all their false beliefs? v.17b

6. What would eventually happen to them? v.18


B. Think:

1. Read 1 Peter 2:4-7 & Ephesians 2:20. Who is the cornerstone?

2. What do you think was the function of the cornerstone?

3. How do the verses today confirm that?

C. Comment:

     The rulers of Jerusalem had heard Isaiah but had scoffed at him and had put their trust in a covenant with a foreign people. They believed, therefore, that when the invader came, he would pass them by and leave them untouched. Isaiah says they are deluded, living a lie!

      Very well, says the Lord, I am putting something down against which all others will be measured. As a messianic fulfilment we see Jesus as the one laid down by God against whom all others will be measured and possibly built in, but who then did the stone refer to? The answer is unclear. It could mean that Zion ( Jerusalem ) itself was the stone that had been tried and tested and that would be used as the source of justice and righteousness.

     That would accord with what the Lord goes on to say, that the enemy will come and purge the land, and they will be restored to righteousness. The stone could be the presence of the Lord Himself, or it could even be Isaiah. Whatever it is, the picture is clear; God will establish something that will be firm and sure, against which He will measure all others, so that their lies and falsehoods will be shown up for what they were. Jesus was, of course, the perfect fulfilment of this as he revealed the falsehood and untruth in all of us by his own perfect life.


D. Application:

1. Measure your life against Jesus alone and see your need.

2. Be built in line with Jesus; he alone provides stability.





Chapter: Isaiah 30

Passage: Isaiah 30:19-26


A. Find Out:


1. What change will come when? v.19

2. What has happened so far and what will happen? v.20

3. What will they hear when? v.21

4. What will they then do? v.22

5. What will the Lord also do, and with what effect? v.23,24

6. What will He also do when? v.25,26


B. Think:

1. What was necessary for Jerusalem to receive God's salvation?

2. What comfort would come with teaching?

3. What would follow?

C. Comment:

     In verse 20b the Hebrew noun is plural but the verb is singular and many scholars therefore believe the emphasis should be on “your Teacher”. The plurality of the noun would be to signify excellence or even the trinity. It is suggested therefore that we have a passage that reveals the Lord coming as a teacher. Now for the context.

     Jerusalem has been crying in distress because of the Assyrian judgement but, says the Lord, as soon as you cry out for help I will come and give it. Yes the Lord has brought the affliction of chastisement but He is still there to draw them back to Himself. He is their teacher and He will remain with them and guide them so that if should they walk off the path He will be there to call them back onto it straight away. This is going to be a new era when they will reject and throw away all their idols. With that the Lord will bring a new fruitfulness to the land, but it will only come after the day of slaughter, after their own strength has been taken away. Yet the blessing of the Lord will follow and a time of immense prosperity will follow.

    When Jesus came, one of the things he did more than anything else was teach, and he then ratified that teaching with healing, to bring in a new era of immense blessing from God.


D. Application:

1. Jesus is our Lord AND teacher.

2. Are we open daily for Him to teach us?





Chapter: Isaiah 32


Passage: Isaiah 32:1-8     


A. Find Out:


1. What sort of reign is coming? v.1

2. How will each person be? v.2

3. What changes will come first? v.3,4

4. What other changes will come? v.5

5. What things will be recognised? v.6,7

6. So who will stand out? v.8


B. Think:

1. What, overall, will mark the reign of this king?

2. How will his reception be different from previous kings?

3. How will he affect the people in the kingdom?

C. Comment:

     Most commentators are clear that these verses have messianic application. First of all we should note that the “righteous king” who will bring justice has already be described in Isaiah 9:7 & 11:4, which was fulfilled in Jesus' claims (see Luke 4:18,19). So what else are we told about him and his reign?

     The literal translation of verse 2 in the original is “ A man will be like” which would indicate a description of this king, or at very least his followers. Second then, note he will be a refuge, and he will bring sustaining life. This Jesus clearly was and did. Next we see that he will bring a new openness in people; those who once were blind and deaf to the truth will now see and hear it, and those who were foolish or nervous in response will suddenly see and become sure and confident. In other words this king will bring real life changes to people. But not only that, an entirely new perspective will be given and the foolish and unrighteous will be seen for what they are and the wise and great will be extolled for their goodness. When Jesus is allowed to reign He brings life transformation and the truth about every person is made clear. The rule of this king brings an openness and transparency to the society of the king where all falseness is done away.


D. Application:

1. Jesus brings clarity of understanding and sureness of purpose.

2. When Jesus rules truth reveals how things really are.




Chapter: Isaiah 33

Passage: Isaiah 33:17-24

A. Find Out:


1. What will they see? v.17

2. What will they think and why? v.18,19

3. How will Jerusalem appear? v.20

4. Why will that be? v.21a,22

5. What will Jerusalem be like? v.21b

6. And what will be the state of the inhabitants? v.24


B. Think:

1. What obviously had been the state of the land that will change?

2. Why will the change take place?

3. What will be the consequences of the change?

C. Comment:

    In the earlier part of chapter 33 the Lord warns that He will come and deal with both invaders and the sinners in the land. In this passage we are told that they will see their king (v.17) and that the king will be the Lord (v.22). The clear implication is that the Lord is coming and will be seen in all His beauty. Most commentators agree that this is a reference to the coming messiah, one who will come and bring change to the land. Assuming that Jesus was the fulfilment of the prophecy, how does that work out?

     The prophecy promises that he will bring peace to Jerusalem, a lasting peace (v.20), that will be accompanied by peaceful prosperity (v.21), and health and forgiveness (v.24), all because the Lord is in the midst (v.22). In a spiritual sense, Jerusalem or Zion can be seen as the church, the place of God's abode, and in that sense Jesus HAS brought access to peace, prosperity, health and forgiveness - to the church. Yet it is probable that in the millennium these things may be physical and not merely spiritual.

    The references to galleys in verse 21 seems to indicate an absence of the invading enemy, and verse 23 probably also refers to the enemy who is overcome. In Christ we are more than conquerors!


D. Application:

1. Jesus comes to rule and bring peace and blessing.

2. Jesus comes to triumph over the enemy and release captives!




RECAP - "The Coming King" -  Isaiah 16,28,30,32,33



In this third group of 5 studies we have seen :

- hints again of this coming one, who will be

  - a trustworthy and wise king

  - one against whom truth can be checked

  - a teacher who will bring blessing

  - a ruler who is a refuge and brings life

  - a ruler who will bring peace, health and blessing



      Again and again come these almost hidden hints of one who is to come who will bring relief to oppression and blessing to the people by his wise and clear rule over them. In no other man was this fulfilled but in Jesus Christ.

     Here are the hints from the Father's heart about the One He is going to send to release His people from the oppressors. This is, however, for all peoples and not just for Israel . It is focused on Israel because they were the people of God. With the coming of Jesus the people of God were extended to include people from all over the earth, so these things will affect all peoples.



1. Jesus reigns in the midst of the affairs of earth

2. Jesus is the one against who all others are measured

3. Jesus comes to teach his people

4. Jesus is a refuge who also brings new perspective to people

5. Jesus comes to bring peace and blessing from God.



     Thank the Lord for these truths about Jesus that He alluded to in these prophecies to Isaiah.


PART 3 : "The Servant"

     In this next Part we come to the strongest messianic thrust in Isaiah, to references again and again to one who is a servant of God. That it applied to Israel in part is certain, but the greater fulfilment can only apply to Jesus. See even more of him revealed in these passages.