The Heavenly Man - Prayer Guide  - Days 56 to 60


These are Days 51 to 55 for "The Heavenly Man - Prayer Guide"

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DAY 56

DAY 57

DAY 58

DAY 59

DAY 60



The Readings



Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 56: Chapter 29 – A Future as Bright as God's Promises    (p.342-347)    (Release)

(whole of chapter)

1. What was the final phase of this present book? (p.342)

2. What did Yun struggle with that Deling had to help him with? (p.343)

3. What was Yun's feeling about going back to China ? (p.344)

4. What was Deling's biggest heart ache? (p.345)

5. What were Yun's present desires for his ministry? (p.346)

6. What does he feel about death? (p.347)



  •  Thank the Lord that as we give ourselves to Him, we can be assured He will lead us and guide us in His purposes.
  •  Thank Him for the sense of the ongoing nature of His purposes that come though in this book.
  •  Thank Him that He desires to bless and lead you more than you want to receive it. Commit your way into His hands.


Bible Reading : Eph 2;10, Rom 12:1,2, Psa 37:5,6


Additional Point to Ponder: God has a plan for my life. I may only understand a bit of it, bit it IS good!







Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 57: God's Guidance (Varied readings)


In these closing four days of these sixty days of prayer, we are going to focus on themes or subjects that come through in this book. In this first one we are going to look up some of the many times the Lord guided Yun and Deling. Look up at least some of the following:




About receiving a Bible


Deling's healing


A voice (twice) sending him to the west and south, then a confirming dream


Reassurance through Scripture


A vision for Deling to live a Spirit-led life


Wisdom from a wise leader



  •  Thank the Lord that He is a God who communicates – if we will learn to listen.
  •  Ask Him to give you a sensitive ear to hear Him speaking to you.
  •  Ask Him for an increase in faith to step out in obedient response to what He shows you.


Bible Reading : Jn 14:25,26, 16:13,14


Additional Point to Ponder: Open my ear, Lord.






Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 58: Man's Inhumanity to Man (Varied readings)


These will be uncomfortable readings but we must not be blasé about Sin. Sin is godless, self-centred rebellion against God. It is manifest in the ‘world', (1 Jn 2:15 -17) - godless, self-centred humanity - and is seen in governments, rulers, administrators and people generally. It is what makes humanity vulnerable to being led by Satan (1 Jn 5:19). It results in eternal death and is why men need saving. Look up the following expressions of sin in this book:



Expressions of Sin


Crime and desperate government lashing out at the House Churches


Rejection of the Cross & violent unfair arrest


A party secretary and his insane brother


Torture by electric baton


Compare these actions with the transformed lives of those coming to Christ:



Expressions of Goodness


A cell of prisoners turn to Christ


Huang, a murderer, comes to Christ


Prisoners in Myanmar prison come to Christ



  •  Thank the Lord for sending Jesus to die for us.
  •  Think of those around you who do not know Christ. Ask the Lord to really show you their lost state, and then pray for their salvation.
  •  Ask the Lord to use you to bring them to Himself, and ask Him to show you what is the next step for you to play in bringing His love to them.


Bible Reading : 1 Tim 1:15-17, Rom 10:14 ,15


Additional Point to Ponder: Lord, please use me to lead others to you.







Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 59: God's ‘Supernatural' Provision (Varied readings)


Of course all provision from God is ‘supernatural' but sometimes the Lord does things that are spectacularly so. We need to remind ourselves that He still does this and that such things are not limited to the history of the Bible:



Expression of God's Supernatural Provision


The healing of Yun's father


The healings of Yun's mother


Escape from prison in Shaanxi province


Yun's supernatural 70 day fast


Miraculous escape from top security prison



  •  Declare before all heaven that “with God all things are possible,” (Mt 19:26) and that “nothing is impossible with God.” (Lk 1:37).
  •  Affirm afresh that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Heb 13:8)
  •  Ask the Lord to take your life and use it in whatever way He will.


Bible Reading : Acts 4:23 -31


Additional Point to Ponder: Lord, increase my understanding, increase my availability and do what you will.








Before reading The Heavenly Man and before using the notes, pray and ask the Lord to impact

your life through the book and the readings.


Day 60: Human Frailty (Varied readings)


This book has been about a frail couple in the hands of a mighty God. They have acknowledged their weakness and that sometimes they got it wrong. To reread those things is not to relish their failures but to remind ourselves that we are all, of ourselves, prone to weakness and to getting it wrong – yet God comes and takes and uses us for His glory, in as much as we will give ourselves to His purposes.



Expressions of human weakness and failure


Burned out & refusing the leading through his wife & fellow workers – prison!


Ignoring God's warning and his wife's counsel – prison!


Deling's testimony – we are nothing



  •  Affirm afresh that we are but earthen vessels or jars of clay (2 Cor 5:7).
  •  Declare also that we hold the glory of God (2 Cor 5:7) “so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body,” (2 Cor 5:11 ) and thus He will be glorified.
  •  Thank Him that even though we may feel weak, and we may fail Him, “we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense - Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.(1 Jn 2:1).
  •  Thank Him that His grace IS sufficient (2 Cor 12:9) and that, “God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” (2 Cor 9:8). Hallelujah!
  • Thank the Lord for the wonderful testimonies of Yun and Deling and ask that he will continue to bless and use them.


Bible Reading : Psa 144


Additional Point to Ponder: The Lord Reigns!




Concluding Comments

In the Introduction Page at the beginning, we suggested a variety of ways you might like to use The Heavenly Man further.  We have started you off in these last four days, looking at different aspects of the Christian life that are shown up in the book. 

We hope you have found praying through this book helpful and will continue to pray for China and all persecuted peoples around the world. Amen.




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