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Daily Bible Studies

O.T. Contents

Series Theme:   Genesis Studies (Series 2 of 4 - chapters 12 to 24)

                             "Abraham's Story"

Page Contents:

Chs. 20 - 24










Heb 11
















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Heb 11


















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Heb 11



















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Heb 11


















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Heb 11


















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Heb 11



















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Heb 11

















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Heb 11


















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Heb 11


















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Heb 11



















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Heb 11


















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Heb 11


















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Heb 11






Chapter: Genesis 20


Passage: Genesis 20:1-7     


A. Find Out:


1. Where did Abraham move to? v.1c

2. Who was king there? v.2

3. How did Abraham describe Sarah? v.2

4. Why did the Lord threaten the king? v.3

5. What did the king plead? v.4,5

6. Why hadn't he actually touched Sarah? v.6

7. How did the Lord describe Abraham? v.7

B. Think :

1. What do we learn about Abraham here?

2. What sort of man was Abimelech ?

3. What more do we learn about the Lord?

C. Comment :

      Here, amazingly, we have a repeat of that which happened when Abraham had gone down to Egypt years before (see Genesis 12:10-16). Then Abram had not known much about the Lord and we excused him, but now he has known the Lord for many years and still he doesn't trust the Lord to protect him. It is easy to chide Abraham in our thinking but do we always rely fully on the Lord for our provision, and particularly for our protection? So, for a second time, Abraham pretends Sarah is his sister (v.2) and allows the local ruler to take her and, again, the Lord intervenes to protect Sarah (v.3-7). Abimelech shows himself to be righteous however, and so the Lord spares his life.


      As we consider this great man of faith, Abraham, we must always keep in mind he was just an ordinary man who suffered the same fears and doubts that we do. Yes, he believed God and that picked him out as a man of faith, but that faith was often very limited. What is so wonderful is the Lord's grace that understood him and loved him and didn't chide him. Instead the Lord puts him into a place of responsibility where his prayers will save the king! We may not be perfect but we can be available to the Lord for Him to use.

D. Application?

1. Thank God today for His grace and mercy that accepts us as we are.

2. You may not be perfect, but are you available? If you are, watch out!



Chapter: Genesis20

Passage: Genesis 20:8-18

A. Find Out:    

1. How did Abimelech's officials feel when he told them what God had said? v.8

2. What 3 excuses did Abraham make? v.11,12

3. How did Abimelech respond? (4 things) v.14-16

4. What had Abraham to do for Abimelech? v.17

5. What had God done because of Sarah? v.17,18

B. Think :

1. What sort of man is Abimelech shown to be?

2. How does Abraham show up in this passage?

3. What power is God shown to have?

C. Comment :

      God, we saw in the previous study, had spoken to Abimelech in a dream. This king now wastes no time in acting on it and early next morning tells his officials what has happened (v.8). They respond in fear and so Abimelech calls in Abraham (v.9). When he is questioned, Abraham shares that he thought there was no fear of God in the land and that he had feared he would be killed (v.11). He also explains that Sarah actually was his step-sister so he wasn't lying (v.12).

      Yes, they may all be true but that doesn't really excuse his failure to trust in the Lord, and his resorting to half truths! Abimelech then shows what sort of man he is. He first of all heaps blessings on Abraham (v.14), then gives him access to his whole country (v.15), and finally pays damages to Abraham for any insult Sarah may have received by what had happened (v.16). What a man! What an example of restitution, even when he had been acting in good faith!


      It is interesting that in this passage is the first reference in the Bible to anyone praying for another and we should note that it was at God's instigation. Because of this, when Abraham prays, God moves. We should note that real prayer springs out of the heart of God and opens a channel for the Lord to move.

D. Application?


1. If we wrong others, do we have Abimelech's concern for restitution?

2. Are we open daily, to hear the Lord's prompting to pray so that we may

    become a channel of His blessing?





Chapter: Genesis 21

Passage: Genesis 21:1-7      


A. Find Out:


1. What did the Lord do for Sarah? v.1

2. When did she bear a son? v.2

3. What was the name of the child? v.3

4. What did Abraham do when it was 8 days old? v.4

5. How old was Abraham when the child was born? v.5

6. What did Sarah say the Lord had brought her? v.6

B. Think :

In the establishing of their covenant (agreement) both the Lord and Abraham had promised to do things. In this passage -

1. What did the Lord do that He had promised ?

2. What did Abraham do that he had promised ?

3. Look up the following promises in the New Testament : Mt. 28:20b / Jn

    14:16,17 / Acts 1:8a

C. Comment :


      At last it has happened. Sarah has the child God has spoken about for so long. The Lord has fulfilled His promise that she WOULD have a child and His promise WHEN she would have it. The lesson that is obvious here is that the Lord is FAITHFUL and He WILL do what He has promises, however long it takes!


      Jewish names frequently have a meaning that is significant. The baby is called Isaac, which means "he laughs". Abraham (and Sarah) can both laugh with joy in their old age. The name will be a proclamation to all of what he has done for his parents. Few Christians seem to realise that God does desire to bless them, and blessing so often brings laughter and joy. Whenever Jesus healed anyone there must have been much joy, Hallelujah!


     As soon as Isaac is 8 days old, Abraham circumcises him just as God has asked. Abraham is keeping his part of the agreement as God has kept His. The Lord always keeps His promises. In the New Testament there are many that apply to us. Watch for them. Do we keep our side of the commitment?

D. Application?


1. Thank the Lord that He ALWAYS keeps His promises.

2. Thank Him that He has promised that He will always be with us.




Chapter: Genesis 21

Passage: Genesis 21:8-21        

A. Find Out:

1. Why was Sarah upset? v.9

2. Why did she want them sent away? v.10

3. Why did the Lord say not to be distressed? v.12,13

4. What did Hagar believe would happen? v.16

5. How did the Lord help her? v.19

6. Why was the boy secure & safe? v.20

B. Think :

1. How do you think YOU would have felt in Sarah's shoes?

2. Why was Ishmael being sent away not the end of the world for him?

3. What general method of help when we are in trouble, does this passage

     show us?

C. Comment :

       Sarah's joy is full because of the arrival of long awaited Isaac, but then it is all spoilt because the "other son" was mocking Sarah or Isaac in some way, this son who was not Sarah's; how dare he spoil their joy at this moment! Yet again the consequences of their earlier "human endeavours" are acting against them.

      Hagar and Ishmael are subsequently sent away at Sarah's instigation, but not before the Lord confirms to Abraham that it is right. Their place is not to be in this household and the Lord will take care of them. As they go there is no indication that Hagar has any real knowledge of the Lord but that doesn't stop HIM looking after them. In desperation they wander and appear to come to the very end of their resources, and it is then that the Lord steps in and shows Hagar further resources that she had missed seeing in her misery.

     Despite Ishmael being the fruit of human endeavour, despite him mocking the chosen of God, the Lord still looks after them, truly a God of great grace. He will yet make a nation out of this young man, a nation that will have a part in His plans.

D. Application?

1. Are there things in our lives that mock us, that shouldn't be there?

2. Sometimes the Lord waits until we come to the end of our resources

    before He steps in and provides.




Chapter: Genesis 21

Passage: Genesis 21:22-34

A. Find Out:

1. What did Abimelech recognise? v.22

2. What did he fear would happen? v.23

3. What complaint did Abraham have? v.25

4. What did they then do? v.27

5. What particular thing did they agree over? v.30

6. How was the Lord now described? v.33

B. Think :

1. What does Abimelech's initial concern indicate about Abraham now?

2. Why would the matter of a well be of such importance?

3. What was the purpose of the treaty?

C. Comment :

      Abraham, his family and possessions, have now obviously grown to such a size that even this Philistine king feels threatened by him, and not only that he recognises that Abraham is like that because God is with him. Isn't that great! People can now look at Abraham and KNOW something about God. Even though this man of faith has sometimes wavered, the Lord has continued to be with him and bless him, and that is obvious to all and sundry!


        But now Abraham has a complaint: he has just dug a well and some Philistines have taken it over. Abimelech acts as we have seen him before, graciously and honourably and declares he has only just heard about it, with the inference being that he will sort it out.


     The two men then make a peace treaty to ensure neither will act against the other, and again this is an indication of Abraham's strength and power. Small powerless people don't go making treaties with kings! Abraham emphasises that part of the treaty must involve the matter of the well because water was an important commodity, so he ensures the well is seen to be his, and Abimelech agrees. The thing that comes over again and again in this passage is the powerful man God has now made Abraham to be.


D. Application?


1. Ask the Lord to so bless your life that others will see and know.

2. Thank the Lord for the clear and obvious way He blessed Abraham.




Chapter: Genesis 22

Passage: Genesis 22:1-8

A. Find Out:


1. What did God do with Abraham? v.1

2. What did He tell him to do? v.2

3. Where was he to do it? v.2

4. How many days did they travel to get there? v.4

5. What was Isaac puzzled about? v.7

6. What did Abraham reply? v.8

B. Think :

1. What did this test show about Abraham?

2. How do you think he felt as he went?

3. How do you think he has changed since we met him?

C. Comment :


       When we come to this terrible test we must always remember that God wasn't going to let it happen. What was important was the way Abraham responded to God. Let's consider what must have raged in Abraham's mind.

       First, he must have been in turmoil over the thought of losing Isaac, the son who had taken so long to come and who meant so much to him. Surely God wouldn't take the son He had given and have him put to death?

       Second, he must have been in turmoil over the sort of God he was dealing with. The pagans who worshipped idols sacrificed their children and this God had appeared completely different from them. Where does this leave him now? But some how Abraham manages to just get on and do it. He has come a long way with God and he's not giving up now, as hard as it may be.

      In his words in v.8 we find his complete trust in God: "God will provide". Read Hebrews 11:17-19. The reality here is that Abraham believed in a God of resurrection. This man whose faith appears to have wavered many times is now standing rock steady in the sure belief that the God who has lead him thus far knows best - even in the matter of death! What an incredible man of faith he has become!

D. Application?


      Although God would never ask us to slay those closest to us, He may ask us to let them go or hold them more lightly if they compete with our love for Him.



Chapter: Genesis 22

Passage: Genesis 22:9-19

A. Find Out:

1. What did Abraham go to do? v.10

2. Who intervened? v.11

3. What did he tell him? v.12

4. What replacement was there for the sacrifice? v.13

5. What did Abraham call that place? v.14

6. What did the Lord promise as a result? v.17

B. Think :


1. What did Abraham show by being willing to sacrifice Isaac?

2. How did this incident reinforce Abraham's knowledge of the Lord?

3. How, in one sense, did it seal Abraham's future?

C. Comment :


      It is important to realise that this was a unique event in history where God asked a man to slay his own son. He Himself would do it in respect of His own Son, Jesus, but He never asked or asks any other man to do the same. Again we should emphasise that God did NOT want Isaac killed, He merely wanted to test Abraham's dedication! Now Abraham has passed the test of tests!

      Through it Abraham sees the Lord as the God who provides when we come to the end of ourselves. The Lord had provided for Abraham before but it seems that only now is he really aware of it. It sometimes takes a crisis for us to realise deeper truths about the Lord as they directly affect us personally.


       The Lord then reiterates His promise to Abraham. Abraham, your family will flourish and the world will be blessed by you. The future is now assured. In Mark 10:29,30 Jesus lays down a similar principle for us which is a further extension of 1 Samuel 2:30c, that if we honour God He will honour and bless us! That is His promise and He WILL keep it, but it does require US to play our part!

D. Application?

1. Are we honouring the Lord in all we are and do, or are there parts of our

     lives that we hold back from giving him without reservation?

2. The Lord looks for us to honour Him. WHEN we do He will honour us.



Chapter: Genesis 23

Passage: Genesis 23:1-20 

A. Find Out:

1. How old was Sarah when she died? v.1

2. What did Abraham ask of the Hittites? v.4

3. How did they reply the first time? v.6

4. How did they reply the second time? v.11

5. How did they reply the third time? v.14,15

6. Where was Sarah buried? v.19


B. Think :

1. What did Abraham basically want?

2. How did the Hittites want to honour Abraham?

3. What did Abraham insist on?

C. Comment :


        It is obviously drawing near the end of Abraham's story and Sarah has just died. Abraham now wants to bury her and he wants to actually buy land so that there is no question in the future that this plot is his. He does not want other people, perhaps, doing anything with this plot where Sarah is buried. It is as he goes about buying the land that we start to see something of the man he has become as we watch the way he is treated by the Hittites, whose land this is.


      First of all they call him a "mighty prince among us", v.6. He is seen as a great man in their eyes, no mere wandering nomad. Next they insist on giving him the land, they want to honour him. It is only when he persists in asking to be allowed to pay for it that they give in and take gold for it. It is as if they say, "Well let it not become a point of dispute between us".


      We see therefore, the man Abraham has come to be. He is now highly esteemed and respected, rich and able to bargain graciously with leaders. He has come a long way from the time when he was a nomad from Mesopotamia who was afraid of everyone. God has done a lot of changing in Abraham, and He has succeeded with His man, He has changed into a mighty leader, a man of faith, respected by all.

D. Application?

1. Do we deal with other people as graciously as Abraham?

2. Integrity breeds respect.



Chapter: Genesis 24

Passage: Genesis 24:1-9 

A. Find Out:


1. What was Abraham's servant NOT to do? v.3

2. What WAS he to do? v.4

3. What was the servant's worry? v.6

4. What did Abraham say he MUSTN'T do? v.7

5. What did he say the Lord would do? v.7

6. What was Abraham's concern again expressed? v.8b

B. Think :

1. What was Abraham basically trying to achieve?

2. What were the two conditions that he gave to his servant?

3. What do you think this passage tells us about Abraham?

C. Comment :

       First, consider Abraham's aim. He is getting near the end of his life and Isaac has not yet got a wife. The Lord had promised blessing for future generations and so Abraham wants to make sure Isaac's future is established and so to do this he is going to have to arrange for a wife for Isaac.

      Second, note the conditions he knows will have to apply. The wife must not come from the idol worshipping Canaanites all around him. This means Abraham will have to send back to his old home and so he sends his trusted chief servant. The servant raises a potential problem: perhaps the woman will not come. What then? Well, whatever else happens Isaac is not to go back there. HERE is the land of God's choosing. In all this we see Abraham resting in the knowledge that God will go ahead of his servant and prepare the way.


      In his old age we see an Abraham who now trusts in God's promises and bases his whole life on those promises. There is a beautiful combination here of TRUSTING God's word, and WORKING to achieve that word. Abraham will shortly die (see Genesis 25:7,8) but the last we see of him is him co-operating with the Lord in seeking to achieve the Lord's stated ongoing purposes for him. How wonderful!

D. Application?


1. Do we base our whole lives on the promises God has made US?

2. Purpose before God today what you WILL do that!




Chapter: Heb 11

Passage: Heb 11:8-12, 17-19 

A. Find Out:

In this final study on Abraham we see how he is commended in the New Testament for his faith.

1. What are the 4 things he is commended for? v.8 v.9 v.11 v.17

2. What did he believe God would build? v.10

3. What characteristic of God did Abraham rely upon? v.11

4. What did Abraham's faith enable God to do? v.11

5. What did he also consider God could do? v.19

6. And therefore what happened? v.19

B. Think :

1. How would you summarise why Abraham was commended?

2. When you consider that Abraham didn't have the Bible or hardly any

     revelation about God, what does it say about him?

3. How does our faith enable God to move?

C. Comment :

  The writer to the Hebrews commends Abraham for his faith which was shown by:

1. Leaving his home at God's command

2. Making his home in Canaan at God's command

3. Trying to have children in old age at God's promise

4. Be willing to sacrifice Isaac at God's command


      In each case Abraham responded to God's word. That is what faith is: responding to what God has said. Faith is important because it is our actions which enables God to then work through us. Faith is first BELIEVING what God says then DOING what He says. Look up James 2:21 ,22 and see how faith is both believing and doing.


       So we have observed in this man Abraham, his frailty, weaknesses and failures but also that he was commended for these four actions of his that revealed him truly as a man of faith.


D. Application :


1. Ask the Lord to teach you to hear Him more clearly.

2. Ask Him to lead you to become a man or woman of faith.

3. Thank Him that He is faithful and will always do what He has said.




RECAP - "Faith Fulfilled" -   Genesis Chapters 20-24


In this final group of 10 studies we have seen :

- Abraham deceiving Abimelech but the Lord intervening

- Isaac being born to Sarah

- Hagar & Ishmael being sent away

- Abraham & Abimelech making a treaty

- the Lord requiring Abraham to sacrifice Isaac

- Abraham moving to be obedient but the Lord stopping him

- the death of Sarah

- the respect of the Hittites for Abraham

- Abraham arranging for a wife for Isaac

- Abraham's death

- Abraham's commendation in the New Testament



      Failure to trust yet again, fulfilment of God's promise by the arrival of Isaac, failure in dealing with Ishmael and yet acceptance by God, all show the Lord's grace towards Abraham and Sarah.
      Then comes the greatest test of his life which Abraham passes with flying colours. In old age we see a man who has received fully the blessing of God. Is this story more about a man of faith or the grace of God?
We need to learn to:

- trust the Lord & wait patiently for Him to fulfil His word

- deal with things that shouldn't be in our lives

- allow God to bring blessing to our lives

- be totally committed to God

- release into the Lord's hands our most cherished possessions

- live on the basis of God's promises

- listen to God and be led by Him

      Affirm that you will purpose be become a man or woman of God who is known as a person of faith, who HEARS God and DOES what he says, receiving God's grace and being changed by it.




In these studies on Abraham we have seen :-


a) In respect of Abraham :

We have seen him

- leaving his family home & settling in Haran

- leaving Haran at Gods command and going to Canaan

- going to Egypt in a time of famine & deceiving Pharaoh

- returning to Canaan & dividing the land between he and Lot

- rescuing Lot from the invading kings

- being blessed by Melchizedek

- making a solemn covenant with God

- trying to continue the family name using Hagar the servant

- circumcising the males in the household at God's command

- receiving the Lord in his tent and pleading for Sodom

- deceiving king Abimelech, in respect of his wife

- becoming a father at the age of a hundred

- being tested by God by being prepared to sacrifice Isaac

- in old age being respected by others in the land

- in old age making provision for Isaac

- being commended in the New Testament for his faith.


b) In respect of the Lord:

We have seen Him

- call Abram to leave his country

- promise to make him a nation and a blessing to all nations

- deal with Pharaoh in protecting Sarai

- promising Abram the land with plenty of descendants

- making a solemn covenant with Abram

- promising him children and the land for future generations

- caring for Hagar and Ishmael and promising His blessing

- reconfirming His covenant to give children

- calling for circumcision as a sign of the covenant

- listening to Abraham pleading for Sodom

- destroying Sodom in judgement

- dealing with Abimelech for Sarah's sake

- enabling Sarah to conceive and have a son

- testing Abraham with that son

- subsequently confirming His promise for future generations

- commending Abraham for his faith.



What we have seen:
       We have observed in these studies, God calling this man Abram, to leave his country and go to a land of God 's choosing. We saw God tell him again and again that He would make a great nation out of him that would bless the world.
       We have also seen this man Abram, respond in obedience to God and go, but we have also seen him, perhaps as a very young believer, rely on himself and not on God. We have seen the Lord come to him again and again and encourage him, despite his weakness and failures.
      We saw eventually how this man, renamed Abraham, receives his promise from God, a son who is to be the next stage in the forming of that nation. We saw Abraham move in maturity to become a man whose life is now entirely focused on God.
What have we learnt?
      The story of Abraham is so good because it shows us as we are - people of God who have responded in simple faith to the call of God, but who are still prone to failure and getting it wrong.
      If we can identify we this, can we also identify with the other truth that is recorded in these wonderful chapters, that God's desire is to encourage us constantly, to draw us on in our walk with Him, into a place of greater maturity and trust.
     Perhaps we have got to learn, with Abraham, to rest and wait for God to fulfil His promises, for fulfil them He surely will! Perhaps like Abraham, our greatest problem is trying to fulfil God's plans for Him! Yes we are to grow in our knowledge of Him and our expectation of Him, but not to take His place and try to achieve what only He can achieve.
      If Abraham is a picture of an ordinary man of faith who can arise to great things, his grandson, Jacob, is an even greater picture of a man of self-determination who God took and transformed, and he is the subject of the next in this series of "Bible Alive" studies. Perhaps you will see yourself in this man as well.