Daily Thoughts : April 27th


Eph 2:10   For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.


This is very much a continuation from what we were considering yesterday. There we thought about the Holy Spirit who makes us anew. Here we see more the overall purpose of God in us. We are, says Paul, God's workmanship. He has made us new creatures. It was by His enabling that we were born again (Jn 1:12,13), the working of His Holy Spirit. But we have been made anew as part of Christ's body - “in Christ Jesus”. Now that is very important in the light of all that follows.


Paul then tells us the goal of this being made anew: it is so that we can do “good works”. Now this isn't ‘good works' as we so often think about some little ‘do gooder' in the community, because that person is so often self-inspired and does what they do for the prestige that it brings them in the eyes of other people. No, these works are ‘good' because they are inspired by God, inspired by His Holy Spirit within us.

These are ‘good works' that God knew beforehand that we alone, with our unique combination of personality plus Spirit, could achieve. That is the wonder of our lives as Christians: God knows exactly what is the thing that will make us most fulfilled. He knows us through and through and so He knows how we will best function. Most Christians don't realise this, but God knows we will feel good when we are functioning to the best of our individual capabilities, working out the perfect will of God for us, and He is working for us to experience this. Be fulfilled today as you seek for and move in God's will.




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